flyweb / spec

Web API specification for enabling web pages to publish local-area servers
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This specification aims to allow web applications to connect with and communicate to each other over local-area transport protocols. In particular, this specification aims to bring the web's client/server application model to inter-device communication. The web's application architecture enables an application running on a server to dynamically and incrementally send application state and logic to an intermittently connected client. This model enables a powerful multi-homed application architecture.

In contrast to this power, the web architecture is also constrained. A server must reside on a TCP-based network and must have an IP address. A client can only identify a server via a URL it is given. Only clients may initiate connections to servers; servers cannot identify and initiate connections to clients. A client/server session must be established over a TCP socket and no other underlying transport protocol may be used.

This specification aims to lift the above restrictions and allow the web's application architecture to work between devices which are proximally located. With FlyWeb, both web clients and servers may advertise themselves for local-area consumption over local-area transport protocols such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Direct or over a wired/wireless LAN. Clients may discover and connect to servers and vice-versa, servers may discover and connect to locally available web clients.

In addition, FlyWeb aims to introduce a web API to allow web pages to host a server endpoint. This mechanism is designed as a way to enable cross-device communication using no additional infrastructure aside from web browsers.






This web API is structured around a process for establishing a web session between two computational endpoints where one endpoint serves as a web client and the other as a web server.

Client endpoint

A client endpoint is a device or program on that device which plays the role of a web client in a FlyWeb session. This endpoint is able to receive and execute web applications written using web technologies such as HTML, JavaScript and CSS. The canonical client endpoint is a web browser.

Server endpoint

A server endpoint is a device or program on that device which plays the role of a web server in a FlyWeb session. This endpoint is able to serve web applications using the HTTP protocol.

To establish a FlyWeb session, the client endpoint performs a local-area discovery (at the direction of the user) over supported underlying transports (e.g. mDNS over Wi-Fi). The discovery reveals the presence of any local-area server endpoints which are presented to the user. The user then selects a server endpoint to connect to, at which point the client performs whatever transport-specific steps are required to set up a web session with the server. It then navigates to a page on the server which establishes an application session between the user on the client endpoint and the service exposed by the server endpoint.

Security and privacy considerations

The web API defined in this specification can be used to find and connect to devices and services near the user. This specification uses two mechanisms to ensure that services are not inadvertently exposed to potentially malicious code executing on web pages.

Firstly, a server endpoint advertises its services with explicit metadata that indicates its willingness to serve as a FlyWeb server endpoint. Other non-FlyWeb services which are advertised using similar mechanisms cannot thus be mistaken for a FlyWeb service.

Secondly, an endpoint may force a pairing protocol at the point of session establishment. This protocol may take various forms including entering a secret code, scanning a QR code displayed on a screen, or a synchronized button press. These pairing protocols are similar to Bluetooth device pairing protocols and are already familiar to users.

Advertising a server

FlyWeb allows web pages to expose a server endpoint using a web API:

interface FlyWebPublishingAPI {
  Promise<FlyWebPublishedServer> publishServer(DOMString name,
                                               FlyWebPublishOptions options);

dictionary FlyWebPublishOptions {
  DOMString? uiUrl = null; // URL to user interface. Can be different server. Makes
                           // endpoint show up in browser's "local services" UI.
                           // If relative, resolves against the root of the server.

Do we need something to hide server from discovery?

Rather than have a separate uiUrl property, we could make discoverable servers use a specific category and then indicate the url through a property in data. This might depend on mDNS capabilities since we want it to be efficient to query for all servers with a user UI.



promise = navigator.publishServer(name, {...options...});

Immediately returns a new Promise object. The user agent asynchronously begins the process of establishing a published service under the given name. The user agent SHOULD prompt the user before advertising a service from a web page allowing the user to prevent the page from advertising services to nearby clients.

If the user declined the publishing or an error occurs, the Promise is rejected.

If the publishing is successful, the Promise is resolved with a FlyWebPublishedServer object:

interface FlyWebPublishedServer : EventTarget {
  readonly attribute DOMString name;
  readonly attribute DOMString? uiUrl;

  void close();

  attribute EventHandler onclose;
  attribute EventHandler onfetch;
  attribute EventHandler onwebsocket;


The display name the server is published under.


The URL to the published server that clients should connect to.



Called when the published server is closed, for example because the close() method is called on the FlyWebPublishedServer object.


Called when a client of the published server sends an HTTP request. The event type is 'FlyWebFetchEvent':

interface FlyWebFetchEvent : Event {
  [SameObject] readonly attribute Request request;

  void respondWith(Promise<Response> r);

The request attribute holds a DOM Request object describing the details of the HTTP request.

The respondWith method on the event can accept a Promise for resolving a Response object to service the HTTP request.


Called when a client of the published server establishes a new WebSocket connection request. The event type is 'FlyWebWebSocketEvent':

interface FlyWebWebSocketEvent : Event {
  [SameObject] readonly attribute Request request;

  WebSocket accept(optional DOMString protocol);

  void respondWith(Promise<Response> r);

The request attribute holds a DOM Request object describing the details of the WebSocket request.

The accept method on the event can be used to accept the WebSocket request. It immediately returns a WebSocket instance which can be used to communicate with the client.

The respondWith method on the event can accept a Promise for resolving a Response object to service the WebSocket request.