fmbla / spamassassin-olemacro

Detect Microsoft Office (DOC XLS etc) attachments with Macros
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Spamassassin OLEMacro

Please note this is now integrated into Spamassassin trunk

Spamassassin OLEMacro is a plug in that searches attached documents for evidence of containing an OLE Macro.

Several detection methods are in use, see the code comments for references.



The following Perl modules should be available



Eval Rules

New body eval functions are added when this plug in is installed


Check for the existence of an attachment with an embedded OLE Macro within files matching either olemacro_exts or olemacro_macro_exts

body     OLEMACRO eval:check_olemacro()
describe OLEMACRO Attachment has an Office Macro
score    OLEMACRO 0.1


Check for the existence of an attachment with a potential malicious embedded OLE Macro

body     OLEMACRO_MALICE eval:check_olemacro_malice()
describe OLEMACRO_MALICE Potentially malicious Office Macro
score    OLEMACRO_MALICE 0.1


Check if found Office document is encrypted

body     OLEMACRO_ENCRYPTED eval:check_olemacro_encrypted()
describe OLEMACRO_ENCRYPTED Has an Office doc that is encrypted


Check for the existence of an attachment that looks as though it is a olemacro_macro_exts file renamed to a olemacro_exts file

body     OLEMACRO_RENAME eval:check_olemacro_renamed()
describe OLEMACRO_RENAME Has an Office doc that has been renamed
score    OLEMACRO_RENAME 0.1


Check for the existence of an encrypted zip member that matches either olemacro_exts or olemacro_macro_exts

body     OLEMACRO_ZIP_PW eval:check_olemacro_zip_password()
describe OLEMACRO_ZIP_PW Has an Office doc that is password protected in a zip
score    OLEMACRO_ZIP_PW 0.1

Config Options

All configuration options should be fine at default. Tweak at your own risk.

olemacro_max_file - [int] - bytes

Configure the largest file that the plugin will decode from the MIME objects

olemacro_max_file 512000

olemacro_num_mime - [int]

Configure the maximum number of matching (see below) MIME parts the plugin will scan

olemacro_num_mime 5

olemacro_num_zip - [int]

Configure the maximum number of matching (see below) zip members the plugin will scan

olemacro_num_zip 5

olemacro_zip_depth - [int]

Depth to recurse within Zip files

 olemacro_zip_depth 2

olemacro_extended_scan - [bool]

Scan more files for potential macros, olemacro_skip_exts still honored

Note This is off by default and shouldn't be needed. If this is turned on consider adjusting values for olemacro_num_mime and olemacro_num_zip and prepare for more CPU overhead

olemacro_extended_scan 0

olemacro_exts - [regex]

Configure the extensions the plugin targets for macro scanning

olemacro_exts (?:doc|dot|pot|ppa|pps|ppt|sldm|xl|xla|xls|xlt|xslb)$

olemacro_macro_exts - [regex]

Configure the extensions the plugin treats as containing a macro

olemacro_macro_exts (?:docm|dotm|ppam|potm|ppst|ppsm|pptm|sldm|xlm|xlam|xlsb|xlsm|xltm)$

olemacro_zips - [regex]

Configure extensions for the plugin to target as zip files, files listed in configs above are also tested for zip

olemacro_zips (?:zip)$

olemacro_skip_exts - [regex]

Configure extensions for the plugin to skip entirely, these should only be guaranteed macro free files

 olemacro_skip_exts (?:docx|dotx|potx|ppsx|pptx|sldx|xlsx|xltx)$

olemacro_skip_ctypes - [regex]

Configure content types for the plugin to skip entirely, these should only be guaranteed macro free

 olemacro_skip_ctypes ^(?:(audio|image|text)\/|application\/(?:pdf))

olemacro_prefer_contentdisposition - [bool]

Should the content-disposition header filename be preferred if ambiguity is encountered whilst trying to get filename

 olemacro_prefer_contentdisposition 1

Change Log

Version 0.5

Version 0.43

Version 0.423

Version 0.422

Version 0.421

Version 0.42

Version 0.41

Version 0.4

Version 0.321