Simple tools to explore past Twitter activity
What we have here
- Sinatra, OmniAuth, twitter gem, Heroku
- As little UI as possible, think CLI level
- Simple sorted display of all the users you have favorited or retweeted
- Little attention to rate limits (15 minute dumb cache), this will blow up on large initial datasets (for now)
- Probably live at
- bake your favorite ruby gem env
- gem install bundler
- bundle install
API Tokens
Get your own Twitter app tokens from
Dev mode usage
TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY=your_key TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET=your_secret rerun rackup
Else set those in secrets.yml. Recommend you don't commit that file!
Heroku setup
Set your secrets with
heroku config:set TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY=your_key
heroku config:set TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET=your_secret
Heroku deploy
git push heroku master
Heroku usage
heroku open
Or visit
- Need to handle hitting rate limits
- Pick a sensible cache strategy that accounts for favs and rts anywhere in the timeline
- Pick a cache for Heroku (continue to use file system for dev), options...