fnf-org / TicketBooth

Rails 7.1 app for creating closed community events, distributing the ticket request URL, approving and selling tickets via Stripe Integration.
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community music

= Ticket Booth :doctype: book :source-highlighter: rouge :rouge-style: base16.monokai :toc: :icons: font :license: MIT

[cols="<h,<h", width="70%"] |=== | Test & Lint Status | Build & Packaging Status |https://github.com/fnf-org/TicketBooth/actions/workflows/rspec.yml[image:https://github.com/fnf-org/TicketBooth/actions/workflows/rspec.yml/badge.svg[TicketBooth CI: RSpec]]

https://github.com/fnf-org/TicketBooth/actions/workflows/lint.yml[image:https://github.com/fnf-org/TicketBooth/actions/workflows/lint.yml/badge.svg[TicketBooth CI: RuboCop]]

| https://github.com/fnf-org/TicketBooth/actions/workflows/deploy.yml[image:https://github.com/fnf-org/TicketBooth/actions/workflows/deploy.yml/badge.svg[Deploy to Google Cloud]]

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==== NOTE: Please see the https://github.com/fnf-org/TicketBooth/blob/main/README.pdf[README.pdf] for the PDF version of this README.

NOTE: Please see the xref:#acknowledgements[Acknowledgements] at the end of this page.

== Welcome to the Ticket Booth!

The goal of the app is to make ticket and volunteer management for community events easier and automated.

== Production Deploy, as of 2024

To deploy to production site — https://tickets.fnf.events — the deployer's IP address must be white-listed with EC2. Contact Konstantin Gredeskoul to get white-listed.

The deploy is performed via Capistrano:


git checkout main git pull bundle install bundle exec cap production deploy

== Development Environment Setup

The following walks through a local setup on OS-X M1.

=== Streamlined Setup

If you installed https://brew.sh[Homebrew] on your laptop, you should be able to boot the app.

==== Optional VIM and PostgreSQL Local Configuration

We provided a pretty comprehensive VIM configuration with auto-complete, as well as the psql configuration with a prompt and additional useful macros.

To install this, run

[source,bash] bin/install-dev-tooling

After that, your vim sessions will have auto-complete enabled, and your psql -U postgres sessions will have rich prompt.

==== Running App Dependencies Installer

You can run the following setup script, but only on OS-X, to attempt a complete set up of the development environment, as well as the installation of the Rubies, Gems and Database:



This should install all of the Brew dependencies, start PostgreSQL, memcached, and install Ruby, Node, Yarn, Gems and Node packages.

==== Starting the Rails Server

[source,bash] make dev

This actually starts Foreman via bundle exec foreman -f Procfile.dev — this is required to start CSS and JS just-in-time compilcation in addition to the Rails server.

The server will run on port 8080, and in development will hot swap any locally modified files, including CSS and JS.

CAUTION: Running rails s is no longer sufficient to start the application.

==== Running Tests and Linters

To verify that your local environment is working, run the following:


make ci

This will run DB Migrations, followed by RSpec, Rubocop, and ShellCheck.

==== Additional Information

We dedicated a separate document to the xref:DEVELOPERS.pdf[developer setup], which helps you get the application running locally.

Alternatively, keep reading for step-by-step manual instructions.

=== Optional Manual Setup

If you prefer to run all the steps manually, then follow the guide below.

==== Manual 1: Services

Please make sure you have PostgreSQL and running locally, or install it via Homebrew:


brew install direnv

brew install postgresql@16 brew services postgresql@16 start

brew install memcached brew services memcached start

==== Manual 2: Direnv Setup

Before you can start the Ruby Server, you need to configure direnv so that the environment in the file .envrc is loaded on OS-X.

To do that follow the instructions for setting direnv on https://direnv.net/docs/hook.html#bash[bash] or https://direnv.net/docs/hook.html#zsh[zsh] depending on what you are running. To find out, run echo $SHELL.

After you setup the shell initialization file, restart your terminal or reload the shell configuration.

Once you are back in the project's folder, run:


eval "$(direnv hook ${SHELL/*\/})" direnv allow .

NOTE: the first line above should be copied to your shell RC (aka "dotfiles").

This will load the environment variables from the .envrc file.

==== Manual 3: NodeJS & Votal Setup

Run the following to get Volta Node Manager working:


curl https://get.volta.sh | bash volta install node@lts volta install yarn volta pin node yarn

Now your Node & Yarn should be installed.

==== Manual 3: Ruby Setup


install brew from https://brew.sh

brew bundle 2>/dev/null

ensure the following packages exist

brew install rbenv ruby-build direnv volta

eval "$(rbenv init -)"

rbenv install -s $(cat .ruby-version) rbenv local $(cat .ruby-version)

bundle install -j 12 rails db:prepare rails db:test:prepare

Run Specs at the end

bundle exec rspec

Run rubocop

bundle exec rubocop

Run ShellCheck


==== Manual 4: Starting the Server

To start the server post-setup, run the following (NOTE: you must start the server via Foreman, since it also starts yarn tasks that monitor and dynamically recompile CSS and JS assets)


bundle exec foreman -f Procfile.dev

You can also use the Makefile:


make dev

or use the script


Here is an example:

image:docs/make-boot.png["Booting with Make"]

=== Tooling

==== Adding Site Admin

When the database is completely blank, the first step is to create the initial account. Lets say you registered as 'kig@fnf.org':

The second step is to make that person a site admin:


RAILS_ENV=production bin/site-admin add kig@fnf.org

Or, to remove site admin from a given user:

bin/site-admin remove kig@fnf.org

==== Generating Music Submissions List

The repo contains a convenient script for generating HTML to embed into the Wordpress site, using a CSV generated out of Google Spreadsheet collected using Google Forms.

The CSV must contain three columns and a header row:

To generate the HTML (we'll use the CSV file checked into the fixtures):


eg, using the fixture file:

$ bin/music-submission-links spec/fixtures/chill_sets.csv > chill_set.html

or, to include the simple CSS into the header:

$ bin/music-submission-links spec/fixtures/chill_sets.csv --simple-css > chill_set.html open chill_set.html

==== WARNING: If you add --simple-css to the arguments, the generated HTML will include <head> element with the https://simplecss.org/[Simple CSS Stylesheet]. Do not use this flag if you plan to paste the output into the WordPress text box. Use this flag if you simply want to verify the resulting HTML in a browser by running open chill_set.html.

To verify that the script is working and generating correct HTML, you might want to install a handy tool called bat, eg using Homebrew on Mac OS-X:


$ brew install bat $ bin/music-submission-links spec/fixtures/chill_sets.csv | bat

===== Adding Submissions to WordPress

Now you can open WordPress, create a two-column layout on the submissions page and paste the contents into one of the two columns, typically:

  1. Night time / Peak Hour
  2. Chill / Daytime

First, let's copy the resulting HTML into clipboard:


$ bin/music-submission-links chill_sets.csv | pbcopy

Now we can paste it into WordPress directly.

== API Documentation

Yard-generated documentation is available via running:


$ bundle exec rake doc

this will automatically open the index.html

== Acknowledgements

This app is formerly known as Helping Culture, which in turn was originally conceived and inspired by Tracy Page.

This project was originally written by https://github.com/sds[Shane de Silva].

It is currently maintained by the https://github.com/fnf-org[FnF] org, and within it specifically

Please use labels to tag any reported issues.