fnmunhoz / street-comics

Simple app to navigate through all the comics ever released
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Simple app to navigate through all the comics ever released

street-comics-api-ci street-comics-frontend-ci

Initial features

Features aimed to be covered initially: #1 - App Overview

Note: this app is still a work in progress.

You can find more details about it and how it is developed via the Github Issues and Pull Requests.

Architecture overview

A Single Page Application backed by a REST API




To run the app, you will need to have the following installed on your environment:

Cloning the app

Then clone the app via git:

git clone git@github.com:fnmunhoz/street-comics.git

Starting the app.

To start the app, make sure you are inside the repository root folder.

Setting up the credentials

As of now, the API credentials are encripted using the Rails credentials mechanism.

So that, you will need access to the current RAILS_MASTER_KEY value and set it on your local street-comics-api/.env file.

So, first create a copy of the sample file:

cp -a street-comics-api/.env.sample street-comics-api/.env

Then edit the street-comics-api/.env file and set the RAILS_MASTER_KEY with the proper value.

Note: as of now, you will need to reach out to me to get the value, sorry about that!

Running the app

After the credentials are set, you should be ready to install the dependencies and to run the app with:

docker-compose run --rm street-comics-api bundle install
docker-compose run --rm street-comics-frontend npm install
docker-compose up

After that you should be able to open the app on the browser at the following address: http://localhost:4000


This is an optional step, in case you don't have the RAILS_MASTER_KEY value. If you have, you can skip it.

Note: in the future I plan to make this process easier, but if you prefer, it's possible to run the app with your own credentials, just replace the current street-comics-api/config/credentials.yml.enc file and use the following structure:

secret_key_base: <value>

    public_api_key: <value>
    private_api_key: <value>

You can generate a pair of API keys at the Marvel developers portal.

Cleaning up

To stop and remove everything (all containers, images, and volumes), run:

docker-compose down --rmi local --volumes --remove-orphans


API tests

Run the api tests with:

docker-compose run --rm street-comics-api bin/rspec

Frontend tests

Run the frontend tests with:

docker-compose run --rm street-comics-frontend npm test

Note, the frontend tests might show some red log messages, but some of them are expected, when running tests that stress API failures, for example.


The tests are also running via Github Actions after every git push to Github, see the results:



Note: the app might take many seconds to respond, since the API app is using the Heroku free-tier, which puts the app to sleep when inactive. After the first load, the next ones should be fast.

API deploy

The API is currently deployed to Heroku after a successful push to the main branch.

You can access the comics endpoint at: https://street-comics-api.herokuapp.com/api/v1/comics?provider=marvel

Frontend deploy

The frontend is currently deployed to Netlify after a successful push to the main branch.

You can access the app, which is connected to the API, at: https://street-comics.netlify.app