fnune / vampa

An attempt at writing a programming language
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Dependencies are:

Other things I needed on Ubuntu 18:

To build, follow these setup instructions and run:

cargo build

Running a program

See Thread with programs that compile and run.

Write your program:

# test.vam

fun three returning i32 = 3;

apply three

Run it:

cargo run --bin vamc ./test.vam && lli ./test.o


Since the MVP will only deal with integers, I can skip implementing type-checking because everything is an i32. Perhaps I will need to implement a type for functions.

It should include:

The following program should compile and run:

let first: i32 = 20;
let second: i32 = 22;

fun sum of a: i32 and b: i32 returning i32 = + a b;
fun sum_with_brackets of a: i32 and b: i32 returning i32 = { + a b };

apply sum first second; # 42
apply sum 10 12; # 22
apply sum { 10 } 10; # 20
apply sum { + 2 2 } 5; # 9

General characteristics

Basic syntax

Vampa is case-sensitive and uses the Unicode character set.

# An inline comment

# Hey there
# This is my block comment
# #[
# # This is a nested block comment
# # Hey there
# #]
let poem = "The revery alone will do, if bees are few";
# Using a body without brackets
fun sum of first_number and second_number = + first_number second_number;

# Using a body with brackets, implicitly returning the last expression
fun sum of first_number and second_number = { + first_number second_number };
let aggregate = apply sum 5 7;
let aggregate = apply sum 5 { sum 7 8 };
let poem: string = "The revery alone will do, if bees are few";
fun sum of first: i32 and second: i32 returning i32 = + first second;
type Uuid = string;
type Five[T] = [5 of T];

Data structures

Scalar types

Integer types

Length Signed Unsigned
8-bit i8 u8
16-bit i16 u16
32-bit i32 u32
64-bit i64 u64
128-bit i128 u128
arch isize usize

Floating-point types

The boolean type

The character type

It's four bytes in size.

The string type

Compound types

The tuple type

The array type

Arithmetic operations

These are used in prefix position and can be combined using curly brackets {} to indicate precedence explicitly.

Reserved keywords