fobadara / rocket-space-missions

MIT License
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rocket space missions


The Rockets section displays a list of all available SpaceX rockets. Users can book each rocket by clicking the reservation button or cancel the previously made booking.


The Missions section displays a list of current missions along with their brief description and participation status. There is also a button next to each mission that allows users to join the selected mission or leave the mission the user joined earlier.

My Profile

The 'My Profile section' displays all reserved rockets and space missions.


Live Demo

Built With

Getting Started

start by cloning the repository.

git clone

cd to the folder.

cd rocket-space-missions

install all the dependencies.

npm install

run the live server

npm run start

go to http://localhost:3000

build the distribution folder before hosting the app

npm run build

after the build you can host the build folder.


👤 Abdulfatai Badara

👤 Rachid El aid

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.