foleyj2 / ru-thesis

Thesis (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.) Template for Reykjavík University in Iceland
MIT License
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Make an Openoffice/Libreoffice version for GUI users #17

Open foleyj2 opened 2 years ago

foleyj2 commented 2 years ago

There is often a request for a MS Word template. We will not invest effort into this because MS Word's support for Icelandic is poor: you cannot get it to hyphenate Icelandic words, so full-justification always looks bad. Interestingly enough, OpenOffice/LibreOffice can deal with Icelandic hyphenation and spelling and has better control over formatting in general. See the branch "msword" for initial investigations into this. It would be nice if someone tried converting the current style of the template into a native Open/Libreoffice template.

Mastercroft commented 1 year ago

Pandoc might work as a first step, need to properly check it against the code.