foleyj2 / ru-thesis

Thesis (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.) Template for Reykjavík University in Iceland
MIT License
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ru-thesis: Reykjavik University Thesis and Project Report Template

Thesis (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.) Template for Reykjavík University in Iceland This is an attempt to massively simplify the Thesis, Dissertation, and Project Report template used by our university. Important note: this template does not create the outside cover used for binding! The RU Communications Department provides this element. Please send pull requests and Issues for improvements/changes. The official Reykjavík University Overleaf page is at


A regularly synchronized Overleaf template is found at Be aware that unless you are a paying customer to Overleaf, your content can be seen by anyone who knows the URL. This may be a problem if you are writing a document with sensitive information. If you have requests or need a bug fixed, please open up a ticket in the "Issues" tab.


One of LaTeX/Overleaf's big strengths is making sure citations and hyperreferences work.


The template author uses JabRef( to manage his overleaf references. The easiest way to keep this up to date is to use a git client to synchronize your reference (.bib) files locally to your computer, JabRef to update them with your new information, then use the git client to send those changes to Overleaf.

Overleaf's git feature is only available to paying accounts, so you will need to register a Reykjavík University email to your account in order to gain the benefits without paying for it yourself. This can be done by adding a second email to your account and confirming it.


Zotero can be used to manage your references as well: