foleyj2 / ru-thesis

Thesis (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.) Template for Reykjavík University in Iceland
MIT License
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Copyright page update #19

Open Mastercroft opened 1 year ago

Mastercroft commented 1 year ago

Updated the copyright page with relevant bibliographical information for print copies acording to icelandic standards.

It expanded the size somewhat but looks much better on print (and e-copy).

mkyas commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the effort. We cannot integrate this patch.

First, it is better to require the orcidlink package instead of your suggestion. orcidlink provides a scalable logo as an SVG in TikZ.

Can you explain the use case of a short title? The thesis title should only appear in the front material, and we can only use the full title when referencing the thesis.

I can live with the ISBN formatting.

We should not endorse a particular printer and must have written permission to carry their files in our repo. Only some people may use svansprent. There are other print houses in Iceland. Some may even choose to use an international printer.

Listing paper types limits our ability to reprint the thesis on different papers. Many print houses will require such statements to be removed. The paper types are often trademarked, and you must pay for them.

I would not require any licensing information. This interferes with cumulative theses. The student has to follow the journal's license and publisher of the constituting papers. Springer, for instance, requires CC-BY, and some papers may have stronger restrictions.

We should improve the instructions and explain how students can do the right thing. Can you split the patch into pieces that we can integrate the parts we agree on while we discuss the controversial parts?

Mastercroft commented 1 year ago

First, it is better to require the orcidlink package instead of your suggestion. orcidlink provides a scalable logo as an SVG in TikZ.

I tried to integrate it with the orcidlink package but it caused more problems then it solved. (due to repository conflict?) The icon is not strictly needed but looks nice.

Can you explain the use case of a short title? The thesis title should only appear in the front material, and we can only use the full title when referencing the thesis.

This was inserted to comply to library/bibliography(?) standard, the given reason was character limit in library catalogs.

We should not endorse a particular printer and must have written permission to carry their files in our repo. Only some people may use svansprent. There are other print houses in Iceland. Some may even choose to use an international printer.

I agree with non-endorsement. That is why I put it as a option, and it can be completely left out for electronic copies. I'll change it to some random name and image. This practice is very common in Iceland.

Listing paper types limits our ability to reprint the thesis on different papers. Many print houses will require such statements to be removed. The paper types are often trademarked, and you must pay for them.

This option should only be used for printed copies after contacting the printer and should include typesetting as well. Again, this is common practice with books printed in Iceland.

I would not require any licensing information. This interferes with cumulative theses. The student has to follow the journal's license and publisher of the constituting papers. Springer, for instance, requires CC-BY, and some papers may have stronger restrictions.

I did not check with all of the journals but the common thread is that using paper in thesis/dissertations is allowed without further consent given that they are used in the published format and cited. (Checked for Elsevier, IEEE, MDPI), this should however be checked by the supervisor and student. There is one other thing, any thesis that receives a grant from Rannís (and by derivative the papers) must be in open access.

We should improve the instructions and explain how students can do the right thing. Can you split the patch into pieces that we can integrate the parts we agree on while we discuss the controversial parts?

Agree completely, but students with limited coding experience need to be able to get a good looking front matter without too much work editing the ruthesis.sty file that is up to library standards. Once the demand for two printed copies is over this will become much easier.

mkyas commented 1 year ago

I have created my pull request that shows how we can include orcid. I would appreciate some input.

Concerning your pull request: RequirePackage[...}{hyperref} is bound to create conflicts with all other dependent packages. It is better to use \PassOptionsToPackage{...}{hyperref}