foleyj2 / ru-thesis

Thesis (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.) Template for Reykjavík University in Iceland
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Static number of signatures on signature page. #27

Open mkyas opened 1 year ago

mkyas commented 1 year ago

So I understand that some committee members have to sign the thesis. However, the rules allow some variety:

"The thesis committee shall consist of 3-5 scholars who are active participants in the research community and recognised experts in the relevant field of study." and "The thesis committee and one or more examiners together form the thesis defence committee. One or more examiners shall be appointed to participate with the thesis committee in the doctoral thesis defence. The examiner(s) shall be recognised authorities on the topic of the dissertation, preferably from a foreign institution."

The issue is that we can run off the page if we arrive at 8 signatures.

Mastercroft commented 1 year ago

Make the page scalable with number of committee names/signature lines?

mkyas commented 1 year ago

I do not know the exact rules, but probably nobody cares. Here is our latest thesis in DCS:

Elli did not use the template. Maybe something that was derived from one old template.

Emile's thesis looks like this:

mkyas commented 1 year ago

And this is a thesis from the financial engineering department:

And another thesis and

Notice that the last example does not have the signature page.

Mastercroft commented 1 year ago

The last one is mine.

The signature page is being phased out in the Engineering department.

There is another problem as well, I picked up six printed copies at the library and no two where alike, shape, size or look.

foleyj2 commented 5 months ago

I heard at the last staff meeting the signature page is being phased out in Dept of Engineering. This is concerning for quality control which I brought up.