foleyj2 / ru-thesis

Thesis (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.) Template for Reykjavík University in Iceland
MIT License
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Synchronize with official cover/template requirements #4

Open foleyj2 opened 2 years ago

foleyj2 commented 2 years ago

@mkyas tells me that there may be RU Teaching Affairs requirements. In addition, we know that various attempts at a "fancy cover" have been done.

foleyj2 commented 2 years ago

2 weeks ago Sigrun, Marcel, Eyjolfur, and I made decisions on the Dept of Engineering requirements on B5 paper. They need to be implemented now. Águsta will make a new B5 cover to match the new sizing.

foleyj2 commented 2 years ago

The provided PDFs are in covers/. I sent in a request to Agusta to get the .indd files so we can generate B5 versions.