foocorp / hacienda

The Hacienda must be built
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
193 stars 6 forks source link

Beta testers for when we're ready (please comment with your operating system, device type... use to do this easily. Also let me know if you have *any* familiarity with a Unix command line and/or the Ruby language) #2

Open mattl opened 1 year ago

mattl commented 1 year ago user mginco offered to beta test.

gergelypolonkai commented 1 year ago

Count me in 👍

mattl commented 1 year ago

Will do. Thanks @gergelypolonkai

trashcatt commented 1 year ago

I'd love to help.

egecelikci commented 1 year ago

I would like to 😤

techmagus commented 1 year ago

Interested in testing as an end-user. Active user as well. ^_^

unseenlarks commented 1 year ago

count me in please.

fizzyarthur commented 1 year ago

I'd like to participate in testing please.

yewscion commented 1 year ago

Likewise, would love to help out with testing.

pgbito commented 1 year ago

I'll be happy to help, let me know if i'm in

s-light commented 1 year ago

beta test welcome

nlegaillart commented 1 year ago

will be glad to help, can't wait to replace my old GNU FM instance!

gitalosh commented 1 year ago

Very keen to help.

phildev4 commented 1 year ago

Also would love to help

ipkpjersi commented 1 year ago

I'd also like to help test.

alxtrnr commented 11 months ago

Happy to have the opportunity to help with testing. Ubuntu for many years. Now on 24.04. Familiar with the CL and some Unix. Browers mostly Brave and Firefox.

nyabinary commented 11 months ago

Same here

o0nd7ots commented 10 months ago

Message me when you are ready

kir68k commented 10 months ago

~ Would be glad to help too ~

millette commented 10 months ago

I will migrate, sure!

AyanoKiru commented 9 months ago

can i join now?

simonives commented 9 months ago

Happy to be a tester too.

brzd commented 9 months ago

I'm in.

Mindcool25 commented 8 months ago

I would love to beta test

IsMeNick commented 8 months ago

Count me in :D

tarjeiba commented 7 months ago

I'd be happy to be a tester.

kirigaku commented 7 months ago

same here ^

xerz-one commented 7 months ago

Heya! Just stumbled upon this, looks worth a try!

axwax commented 7 months ago

I'd love to test too!

Mootix1313 commented 7 months ago

consider me a beta tester 👍🏾

Vjay15 commented 7 months ago

me too :D

sparky1499 commented 7 months ago

Very interested in helping.

Vestal-1 commented 7 months ago

I'd love to help. User u473t8 in LibreFM :)

I'm using Void Linux on a i686 (Thinkpad X60).

EDIT: System information.

mattl commented 7 months ago

Just a note to beta testers. I hope to have some initial (non-functional) designs to share in the next few weeks.

thedeathstar commented 7 months ago

Interested in testing for beta when available.

well-it-wasnt-me commented 7 months ago

interested !

soarn commented 7 months ago

Lets do it!

stardustspirit commented 6 months ago

i'm also interested!

GLMidnight commented 6 months ago

I'm interested.

Shabinder commented 6 months ago


driftywinds commented 6 months ago

I am interested in the beta

pvnkrockjesvs commented 6 months ago

interessed to test the beta

grdryn commented 6 months ago

I'm interested to help test and provide feedback :heart:

mpldr commented 6 months ago

I'll help testing!

gvxvik commented 6 months ago

count me in

averyterrel commented 6 months ago


qcmoff22 commented 6 months ago

Nice job !

michaelpennington commented 6 months ago

Would love to help beta test

urkbio commented 6 months ago

i want to try

Dhruvarshim commented 6 months ago

Hi, I would like to join the community too!

jasondmoss commented 6 months ago

Willing and able! Sign me up!