food-innovation / mock-member-connex

A mock server that mimics the CyberGlue MemberConnex system
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cyberglue mock-server oauth2-server


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A mock server that mimics functions from CyberGlue's MemberConnex system, as needed by Fial.

Use this for local development when you don't have, or want, access to the real MemberConnex system.

Known limitations

The mock server returns the very bare happy-path responses for the MemberConnex system, allowing you to develop your code that relies on MemberConnex without actually having access to it.

  1. The mock server does no checking of usernames or passwords.
  2. You can only set a single CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET.
  3. The mock server does not currently care what code you send it, and will always return the same access_token value.
  4. The access_token value returned is not a proper JWT, it's just a string.
  5. We don't look for any bearer tokens for the API requests.


Use of this mock server assumes that you have copes of

both of which are available from CyberGlue.

Environment Variables

You may set the following environment variables.

Start the server

Run npm start

From within docker-compose.yml

The mock-member-connex has been published as a docker image so you can just add it to your platform's docker-compose.yml file and customise the various environment variables there.

I put it up in my personal docker account for now. It might move.

version: "3"
    image: davesag/mock-member-connex
      - 9001:9001
      test: "exit 0"
      PORT: 9001
      CLIENT_ID: 'some custom id'
      CLIENT_SECRET: 'my special secret'
    command: ['npm', 'start']

API Routes

GET /ping (not implemented by MemberConnex but useful)

Returns a heartbeat response.

200 Okay

  "response": "okay",
  "uptime": secondsSinceServerLaunch

GET / (not implemented by MemberConnex but useful)

Returns a list of API versions.

200 Okay

    version: "1.1.3",
    path: '/api/1'
    version: "2",
    path: '/API/2.0'

GET /oAuthLogin

Param Values Note
Action MCXLogin
response_type code
client_id the client ID supplied by memberconnex
scope 'Fial api' there can be multiple scopes separated by a space.
Provider Optional, no default
redirect_uri required Must be approved by MemberConnex
state anything optional, generated by you


200 Okay and an HTML form with a username and password field which imitates
the basic function of the MemberConnex login form, minus the 'allow' option.

Error Responses

400 Unauthorised

  error: 'Invalid Request'

POST /Login

Simulates the Token Exchange.

200 Okay

  access_token: 'some access token'

Error Response

400 Unauthorised

  error: 'Invalid Request'

GET /Login

Simulates Member Info data retrieval.


200 Okay

  ... a bunch of data

Error Response

400 Unauthorised

  error: 'Invalid Request'

GET /Register?[fields as per below]

Simulates the display of the registration screen.


200 Okay and an HTML form with a username and password field which imitates
the basic function of the MemberConnex register form.  The data provided is
neither checked nor used.

Params: You must provide the following

You can also provide the following field names

POST /handleRegister

redirects to the provided Redir uri.

POST /Logout

Logs the user out

Params as Form URL encoded

Person_id=The member's id
hash=an HMAC 256 hash derived from the Person_id and APP Secret


  "success": <true|false>

Error Response

400 Unauthorised

  error: 'Invalid Request'

GET /API/2.0/Company

Gets a list of the companies known to MemberConnex.


Authorization: Bearer <token>

URL Params


Note these params do not seem to do anything.


200 Okay

    "id": 12265,
    "abn": "123456789",
    "abstract": "",
    "doacquistion": "2018-01-31",
    "domembership": "1901-01-01",
    "externalid": "",
    "idaccount": 12345,
    "idcompanyparent": 0,
    "idlocationbilling": 54321,
    "idlocationprimary": 54321,
    "idprofile": 12265,
    "keyperson": 0,
    "mail": "support@testycorp.tes",
    "mailoptin": false,
    "membershipcode1": "",
    "membershipcode2": "",
    "membershipcode3": "",
    "name": "TestyCorp Pty Ltd",
    "namefulllegal": "",
    "nzcompanynumber": "",
    "telfree": "",
    "telhome": "",
    "text": "",
    "website": "https://www.testycorp.tes/"


401 Unauthorized

  "code": 234199,
  "message": "Invalid Authorization Token."

GET /API/2.0/Company/:id

Gets the data for a MemberConnex company with the given id.

Accepted Company ids are 123, 12265


Authorization: Bearer <token>


200 Okay

  "id": 12265,
  "abn": "123456789",
  "abstract": "",
  "doacquistion": "2018-01-31",
  "domembership": "1901-01-01",
  "externalid": "",
  "idaccount": 12345,
  "idcompanyparent": 0,
  "idlocationbilling": 54321,
  "idlocationprimary": 54321,
  "idprofile": 12265,
  "keyperson": 0,
  "mail": "support@testycorp.tes",
  "mailoptin": false,
  "membershipcode1": "",
  "membershipcode2": "",
  "membershipcode3": "",
  "name": "TestyCorp Pty Ltd",
  "namefulllegal": "",
  "nzcompanynumber": "",
  "telfree": "",
  "telhome": "",
  "text": "",
  "website": "https://www.testycorp.tes/"


401 Unauthorized

  "code": 234199,
  "message": "Invalid Authorization Token."

PUT /API/2.0/Company/:id

Updates some of the data for a MemberConnex company with the given id.

Accepted Company ids are 123, 12265


Authorization: Bearer <token>
Content-Type: application/json

Body Param

Any of the fields below can be updated.

  "abn": "123456789",
  "abstract": "",
  "mail": "support@testycorp.tes",
  "mailoptin": false,
  "name": "TestyCorp Pty Ltd",
  "namefulllegal": "",
  "telfree": "",
  "telhome": "",
  "text": "",
  "website": "https://www.testycorp.tes/"

Returns the following structure with the updated data.

200 Okay

  "id": 12265,
  "abn": "123456789",
  "abstract": "",
  "doacquistion": "2018-01-31",
  "domembership": "1901-01-01",
  "externalid": "",
  "idaccount": 12345,
  "idcompanyparent": 0,
  "idlocationbilling": 54321,
  "idlocationprimary": 54321,
  "idprofile": 12265,
  "keyperson": 0,
  "mail": "support@testycorp.tes",
  "mailoptin": false,
  "membershipcode1": "",
  "membershipcode2": "",
  "membershipcode3": "",
  "name": "TestyCorp Pty Ltd",
  "namefulllegal": "",
  "nzcompanynumber": "",
  "telfree": "",
  "telhome": "",
  "text": "",
  "website": "https://www.testycorp.tes/"


401 Unauthorized

  "code": 234199,
  "message": "Invalid Authorization Token."

GET /API/2.0/Person

Gets a list of the users known to MemberConnex.


Authorization: Bearer <token>

URL Params


Note these params do not seem to do anything.


200 Okay

    "id": 13616,
    "firstname": "Testy",
    "lastname": "McTestface",
    "fullname": "Testy McTestface",
    "about": "",
    "doacquistion": "2018-05-14",
    "dob": "1996-02-29",
    "domembership": "1901-01-01",
    "externalid": "",
    "gender": "Male",
    "idaccountpriv": 24687,
    "idaddress": 52324,
    "idaddressdel": 0,
    "initials": "",
    "jobtitle": "",
    "mail": "testy.mctestface@test.tes",
    "mailbounces": 0,
    "mailoptin": true,
    "mailsecondary": "",
    "membershipcode1": "",
    "membershipcode2": "",
    "membershipcode3": "",
    "middlenames": "",
    "postnominal": "",
    "preferredname": "",
    "qualifications": "",
    "skype": "",
    "telbus": "",
    "telddi": "",
    "telfax": "",
    "telhome": "",
    "telmobile": "",
    "title": "",
    "usertype": ""


401 Unauthorized

  "code": 234199,
  "message": "Invalid Authorization Token."

GET /API/2.0/Person/:id

Gets the data for a MemberConnex user with the given id.

Accepted Person ids are 13616, 13668, and 8487645


Authorization: Bearer <token>


200 Okay

  "id": 13616,
  "firstname": "Testy",
  "lastname": "McTestface",
  "fullname": "Testy McTestface",
  "about": "",
  "doacquistion": "2018-05-14",
  "dob": "1996-02-29",
  "domembership": "1901-01-01",
  "externalid": "",
  "gender": "Male",
  "idaccountpriv": 24687,
  "idaddress": 52324,
  "idaddressdel": 0,
  "initials": "",
  "jobtitle": "",
  "mail": "testy.mctestface@test.tes",
  "mailbounces": 0,
  "mailoptin": true,
  "mailsecondary": "",
  "membershipcode1": "",
  "membershipcode2": "",
  "membershipcode3": "",
  "middlenames": "",
  "postnominal": "",
  "preferredname": "",
  "qualifications": "",
  "skype": "",
  "telbus": "",
  "telddi": "",
  "telfax": "",
  "telhome": "",
  "telmobile": "",
  "title": "",
  "usertype": ""


401 Unauthorized

  "code": 234199,
  "message": "Invalid Authorization Token."

PUT /API/2.0/Person/:id

Updates some of the data for a MemberConnex user with the given id.

Accepted Person ids are 13616, 13668, and 8487645


Authorization: Bearer <token>
Content-Type: application/json

Body Param

Any of the fields below can be updated.

  "firstname": "Testy",
  "lastname": "McTestface",
  "fullname": "Testy McTestface",
  "about": "",
  "dob": "1996-02-29",
  "gender": "Male",
  "initials": "",
  "jobtitle": "",
  "mail": "testy.mctestface@test.tes",
  "mailoptin": true,
  "mailsecondary": "",
  "middlenames": "",
  "postnominal": "",
  "preferredname": "",
  "qualifications": "",
  "skype": "",
  "telbus": "",
  "telddi": "",
  "telfax": "",
  "telhome": "",
  "telmobile": "",
  "title": ""

Returns the updated user data

200 Okay

  "id": 13616,
  "firstname": "Testy",
  "lastname": "McTestface",
  "fullname": "Testy McTestface",
  "about": "",
  "doacquistion": "2018-05-14",
  "dob": "1996-02-29",
  "domembership": "1901-01-01",
  "externalid": "",
  "gender": "Male",
  "idaccountpriv": 24687,
  "idaddress": 52324,
  "idaddressdel": 0,
  "initials": "",
  "jobtitle": "",
  "mail": "testy.mctestface@test.tes",
  "mailbounces": 0,
  "mailoptin": true,
  "mailsecondary": "",
  "membershipcode1": "",
  "membershipcode2": "",
  "membershipcode3": "",
  "middlenames": "",
  "postnominal": "",
  "preferredname": "",
  "qualifications": "",
  "skype": "",
  "telbus": "",
  "telddi": "",
  "telfax": "",
  "telhome": "",
  "telmobile": "",
  "title": "",
  "usertype": ""


401 Unauthorized

  "code": 234199,
  "message": "Invalid Authorization Token."

GET /API/2.0/Event

Gets a list of the events known to MemberConnex.

URL Params

Param Values Note
expand Image optional, no default

If expand=Image is supplied then the event will also include its associated image data.


Authorization: Bearer <token>


200 Okay

    "id": 85,
    "name": "Amazing Test Event",
    "city": "Sydney",
    "country": "AU",
    "region": "NSW",
    "datestart": "2018-11-15",
    "timestart": "09:00:00",
    "dateend": "2018-11-15",
    "timeend": "17:00:00",
    "abstract": "<p>The Amazing Test Event serves as the meeting place for companies in industries.<\/p> ",
    "location": "TBC",
    "locationtype": "Physical",
    "text": "<h2>About the Event<\/h2> <p>Amazing Test Event serves as the meeting place for companies in industries.<\/p> <p>In collaboration with the Department of Testy McTestface and the Australian Government\u2019s Industry Growth Centres, the Event attracts businesses across Australia\u2019s industry sectors.<\/p>",
    "accessrestrictions": "",
    "availtickets": 0,
    "duration": "",
    "externalid": "",
    "freeevent": true,
    "idsession": 0,
    "maxtickets": 0,
    "previewvideoembedcode": "",
    "type": "",
    "venue": "",
    "videoembedcode": "",
    "videoinstructions": "",
    "webinarurl": "",
    "submissionstatus": "<Building|Active|Cancelled>",
    "Image": [ // only if expand=Image
        "imagetype": "image/png",
        "size": 2336499,
        "name": "some file name sometimes with spaces in it.png",
        "areaofuse": "<Content|Landscape|Abstract>",
        "externalid": "",
        "caption": "",
        "id": 1460


401 Unauthorized

  "code": 234199,
  "message": "Invalid Authorization Token."

GET /API/2.0/Event/:id

Gets the data for a MemberConnex event with the given id.

URL Params

Param Values Note
expand Image optional, no default

If expand=Image is supplied then the event will also include its associated image data.


Authorization: Bearer <token>


200 Okay

  "id": 85,
  "name": "Amazing Test Event",
  "city": "Sydney",
  "country": "AU",
  "region": "NSW",
  "datestart": "2018-11-15",
  "timestart": "09:00:00",
  "dateend": "2018-11-15",
  "timeend": "17:00:00",
  "abstract": "<p>The Amazing Test Event serves as the meeting place for companies in industries.<\/p> ",
  "location": "TBC",
  "locationtype": "Physical",
  "text": "<h2>About the Event<\/h2> <p>Amazing Test Event serves as the meeting place for companies in industries.<\/p> <p>In collaboration with the Department of Testy McTestface and the Australian Government\u2019s Industry Growth Centres, the Event attracts businesses across Australia\u2019s industry sectors.<\/p>",
  "accessrestrictions": "",
  "availtickets": 0,
  "duration": "",
  "externalid": "",
  "freeevent": true,
  "idsession": 0,
  "maxtickets": 0,
  "previewvideoembedcode": "",
  "type": "",
  "venue": "",
  "videoembedcode": "",
  "videoinstructions": "",
  "webinarurl": ""
  "usertype": "",
  "submissionstatus": "<Building|Active|Cancelled>",
  "Image": [ // only if expand=Image
      "imagetype": "image/png",
      "size": 2336499,
      "name": "some file name sometimes with spaces in it.png",
      "areaofuse": "<Content|Landscape|Abstract>",
      "externalid": "",
      "caption": "",
      "id": 1460


401 Unauthorized

  "code": 234199,
  "message": "Invalid Authorization Token."

GET /API/2.0/Event/:id/Image

Gets the image data for a MemberConnex event with the given id.


Authorization: Bearer <token>


200 Okay

    "imagetype": "image/png",
    "size": 2336499,
    "name": "some file name sometimes with spaces in it.png",
    "areaofuse": "<Content|Landscape|Abstract>",
    "externalid": "",
    "caption": "",
    "id": 1460


401 Unauthorized

  "code": 234253,
  "message": "Invalid Authorization Token."




npm install

To Start the server

Then run npm start to start the api server on port 9000

Test it

Lint it

npm run lint


Please see the contributing notes.