foomo / kraken

Hello I am KRAKEN - URLs are my prey
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Kraken helps you to fetch a lot of URLs.

Hello I am KRAKEN - URLs are my prey:


    GET: get the status of this kraken


    PUT / POST : create or overwrite a new tentacle with body {"bandwidth": <int>, "retry": <int>}
    PATCH      : patch the tentacle change it bandwidth and number of retries with body  {"bandwidth": <int>, "retry": <int>}
    GET        : get the status of an existing tentacle
    DELETE     : get rid of the tentacle


    PUT/POST   : let me catch some prey with body { "url" : <string>, "priority" : <int>, ["locks" : [<string>, ...], "method" : <string>, "body" : <string>, "tags" : [<string>, ...]] }

With "locks" you can define resource names. Kraken will try to lock these resources before running a prey. This helps you to prevent running preys with the same resource(s) in parallel.


Some curl examples for locale development. Please consider NOT to run kraken in insecure mode on production systems!

start kraken

./kraken-linux -address "" -insecure -config "example-config.yaml"

create tentacle

curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"retry":3, "bandwidth":2}'

add a prey

curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{ "url" : "", "priority" : 100}'

get status of a tentacle

curl -k

delete tentacle

curl -k -X DELETE


docker run --rm -it -v $PWD/example-config.yaml:/etc/kraken/config.yaml -p="8765:80" foomo/kraken:latest