fopina / cfddnsupdate

MIT License
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A Cloudflare worker to expose a /nic/update-compatible endpoint to update your DNS records in Cloudflare.


noip has been the king of free DynDNS for decades, directly supported in most router stock firmware. But their free plan requires a to push a button once a month, solving a captcha, to keep the hostname active.

I already use homeassistant cloudflare integration to keep a DNS record up to date. But, in another network, I don't have any device other than the router, a Thompson TG789, restricted to stock firmware.
This firmware allows us to set a custom server for DynDNS but it will call it always with the payload /nic/update?system=custom&hostname=UI_SETTING&myip=CURRENT_IP_ADDRESS&...

DNSOMatic seems to be a great service that does expose such endpoint and then integrates with Cloudflare API (and many others) though 2 negative points:


This worker is live at

It follows the same interface as mentioned in or

Your router/device should be configured as

Zone ID is visible in the main page of your zone, on the right side bar under API.
API token is NOT the Global API key (avoid using that in 3rd party services). Click Get your API token and then create one with Zone DNS Edit permissions, that's all it takes. You can also restrict it to the zone you'll be using.

Sample HTTP request (cURL syntax) to update IP

curl \
     -u <zone ID>:<API token>

Update parameters

Field Description
hostname Hostname that you wish to update. This is a required field.
myip IP address to set for the update.
wildcard currently ignored
offline currently ignored

Router setup

In order to use this in a Thompson TG789 router, you have to telnet into it and execute

dyndns service modify name=custom port=80 updateinterval=3600

updateinterval in the example is set to update IP every hour.

Then, via UI under Dynamic DNS, you add username (zone ID), password (API token) and choose the hostname to update.

PRs with instructions to other routers are very welcome


This project uses wrangler, included as a dependency

npm install
npm run dev

That's all that's needed to have a local instance up and running. Then npm run deploy (and follow the steps) if you want to deploy your own copy.