foreign-affairs / PyFunceble-docs

The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.
Apache License 2.0
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The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL

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image image image

PyFunceble aims to provide an accurate availability check through the usage of multiple sources which are for example - to only list a few:

PyFunceble can be included in your existing project through:

The PyFunceble CLI can test from a hosts file, a plain list of subjects, an AdBlock filter list or even an RPZ record.

As of today, PyFunceble is running actively - if not daily - within several servers, laptops, PCs, and Raspberry Pis. It is even used - thanks to our auto continue mechanism - with CI engines like GitHub Action, Travis CI, or GitLab CI.

Happy testing with PyFunceble!


Table of Content


Packages & Versioning

This project follows the semver standard.

PyFunceble is distributed through 2 packages that reflects our 2 main development and deployment branches. Both packages are stable but with 2 different phylosophies. Therefore, the choice is up to you.

The 2 packages are pyfunceble and pyfunceble-dev.

If you want a stable but mature, and slowly updating package, you should install the pyfunceble package. It reflects the master branch which only get updated once the new features and bugfixes of pyfunceble-dev are tested long enough to be considered mature.

On the other hand, if you want a stable but fast updating package, you should install the pyfunceble-dev package. It reflects the dev branch which get updated frequently to allow the community to provide feedbacks as soon as possible.

Recommendation: For most people the pyfunceble package should be sufficient. But if you want to help the community or always want to have the latest features and bugfix as soon as possible, you should prefer the pyfunceble-dev package.

PyPi - Python Package Index

Installing from the Python Package Index is for most people the prefered one - after the OS specific packages (see below).

Here is an overview of the packages and where they are hosted.

Package PyPi Link


You can install the pyfunceble through pip3:

pip3 install --user pyfunceble


You can install the pyfunceble-dev package through pip3:

pip3 install --user pyfunceble-dev

If you want to help and use the unstable pre-releases, you should install with the --pre argument.

pip3 install --user --pre pyfunceble-dev

Container Image Registry

Installing from a Container Image Registry is the way to go if you are in a hurry or always want the best from the beat without having to look if an update is available. :smile:

Here is an overview of the packages and where they are hosted.

Host Package Link
Docker Hub pyfunceble
Docker Hub pyfunceble-dev


Docker Hub

You can install the pyfunceble image from Docker Hub through docker:

docker pull pyfunceble/pyfunceble


Docker Hub

You can install the pyfunceble-dev image from Docker Hub through docker:

docker pull pyfunceble/pyfunceble-dev


For the pyfunceble package:

aur-helper -S pyfunceble
pyfunceble --version

For the pyfunceble-dev package:

aur-helper -S pyfunceble-dev
pyfunceble --version

Git Repository

Installing from a Git Repository with pip3 is not recommended for general user as you will get the latest development patches even before they get published. But if you are one of those who always want to be in sync with the latest development patches, this is probably for you.

Here is an overview of the packages and where they are hosted.

Host Package Repository
GitHub pyfunceble git+
GitHub pyfunceble-dev git+
GitLab pyfunceble git+
GitLab pyfunceble-dev git+



You can install the pyfunceble package from GitHub through pip3:

pip3 install --user git+


You can install the pyfunceble package from GitLab through pip3:

pip3 install --user git+



You can install the pyfunceble-dev package from GitHub through pip3:

pip3 install --user git+


You can install the pyfunceble-dev package from GitLab through pip3:

pip3 install --user git+

From Source

Installing from source is not recommended at all as you may need to keep the repository up-to-date by yourself.

Here is an overview of the packages and where they are hosted.

Host Package Branch Repository
GitHub pyfunceble master
GitHub pyfunceble-dev dev
GitLab pyfunceble master
GitLab pyfunceble-dev dev

You can install the package from source through pip3:

pip3 install --user{{branch}}.zip # From Github
pip3 install --user{{branch}}/PyFunceble-{{branch}}.zip # From GitLab


Common Setups

If you installed PyFunceble through any other method that doesn't involve a container image, you can use PyFunceble "normally" through the pyfunceble executable.

pyfunceble --help

Container Image Setups

If you installed PyFunceble through the container image registry method, you can run pyfunceble through:

docker run -it pyfunceble/pyfunceble[-dev] --help

Beware: if the first parameter starts with a slash (/), the entrypoint will assume that you want to run a command within the container.

Data Persitence

If you wish to persist your data, you simply have to mount a volume to the /home/pyfunceble directory.


mkdir -p pyf-data
echo "" > pyf-data/test.list

docker run -v pyf-data:/home/pyfunceble -it pyfunceble/pyfunceble[-dev] -f /home/pyf-data/test.list

Common Examples

Here are some examples to get started.

Check the availability of ''.

$ pyfunceble -d

Check the availability of '' with a simple (stdout) output.

$ pyfunceble -s -d

Check the availability of '' with extended (stdout) output.

$ pyfunceble -a -d

Check the availability of '' and ''.

$ pyfunceble -d

Check the availability of ''.

$ pyfunceble -u

Check the availability of '' and ''.

$ pyfunceble -u

Check the syntax of ''.

$ pyfunceble --syntax -d

Check the reputation of ''.

$ pyfunceble --reputation -d

Check the availability of all subjects in the 'myhosts' file.

$ pyfunceble -f myhosts

Check the availability of all subjects in the 'myhosts' and 'yourhosts' files.

$ pyfunceble -f myhosts yourhosts

Check the availability of all (decoded) subject of the adblock filter list 'myadblock'.

$ pyfunceble --adblock -f myadblock

Documentation as the place to be!

Want to know more about details PyFunceble? I invite you to read the documentation at!

Want a local copy? I get you covered!

Simply run the following and enjoy the documentation!

# Install dependencies.
pip install --user -r
# Serve documentation locally.
mkdocs serve
# Open Documentation with browser.

NOTE: You are also invited to submit changes and improvement to the documentation through a new Pull Request.

Supporting the project

PyFunceble, Dead-Hosts, adblock-decoder and all other analog projects are powered by free time and a lot of coffee!

This project helps you and you have to possibility to help back financially? Sponsor @funilrys through the GitHub Sponsor program by clicking the image below!



Thanks to those awesome peoples for their awesome and crazy idea(s), contribution(s) and or issue report which made or make PyFunceble a better tool.

Special Thanks

Thanks to those awesome organization(s), tool(s) and or people(s) for

which helped and/or still help me build, test and or make PyFunceble a better tool.


Copyright 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023 Nissar Chababy

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.