forge42dev / Remix-Forge

VS Code extension that allows you to generate configurable Remix code
MIT License
78 stars 6 forks source link
remix-run visual-studio-extension

Remix Forge

Remix Forge - A VS Code extension for applications that super charges your development with a ever-growing set of functionalities.

Whats new?


Insert Remix code snippets in your current editor

Right click the line where you want to insert a snippet and click the corresponding command you want to run. This will insert the snippet in your current editor at the line you right clicked. (eg. insert loader => inserts loader into the file)

Get your Remix project shadcn/ui ready

Right click your package.json and initialize all the setup required for shadcn/ui tailored to Remix instead of Next.js. This will add the following to your project:

After that right click your app folder and add the shadcn/ui components to your application, just specify where you want to store them and you're good to go. The extension will generate the components for you and add them to your app/components/ui folder by default, or the location specified by you and remember it.

Initialize eslint and prettier in your Remix project

Generate test files for your routes (or anything else)

This works for any .ts and .tsx file and is not specific to remix routes. You can use this for any file that you want to test.

Initialize Prisma in your Remix app

You can now initialize Prisma in your Remix app with a single click. You can do this by right-clicking your app folder and selecting Initialize Prisma and it will be initialized for you. You choose your database and it will be configured for you. Also adds package.json commands for running migrations, seeding the database, generating the client and running prisma studio.

Update Remix to a newer version

You can now update your Remix to a newer version with a single click. You can do this by right-clicking your package.json file and selecting Update Remix and it will be updated for you. You can update to the latest version or specify a version you want to update to. Defaults to the latest one. This uses npx upgrade-remix built and maintained by the Remix team. Github repo here

Generate Progressively Enhanced Form Routes with zod validation

You can now generate progressively enhanced form routes with a single click. You can either generate progressive forms with:

Click on the routes folder or anywhere inside of it and select Generate Remix Form Route and it will be generated for you.

Generating authentication flows

You can now generate the whole authentication scaffolding for Remix applications with a single click. This includes:

Right click the app folder and select Generate Authentication Workflow and select the authentication method(s) you want to use. After that fill the required secrets inside of the .env file and you are good to go.

Generating authentication for loaders and actions

You can now add authentication to your loaders and actions with a click. Click the Add authentication above a loader or action and it will auto generate the authentication using remix-auth.

This is configurable and you can change the import statement to reflect your authenticator location. See the Extension Settings section on how you can customize your output

Opening routes in the browser

You can now open up your routes in the browser from the route file itself. This is useful for when you want to test out your routes without having to go to the browser and type in the url or navigate to it.

Each route file with the default export will have a button(s) above the default export that will open up the route in the browser by clicking it.

This is configurable and you can change the url generator function and the paths that you want to generate urls for. See the Extension Settings section on how you can customize your output

Route File Generation

Generates every possible export from a route file for applications. You can do this by right-clicking your routes folder and selecting convert to v2 convention. Including:

Tip: This is highly configurable per workspace. See the Extension Settings section on how you can customize your output

Routing Convention Conversion

Converts the v1 routing convention to the v2 routing convention. This command will try to convert your routes from v1 to v2 and if anything goes wrong it will restore your routes to initial state. Just in case PLEASE make sure you have a backup in case something unexpected happens or you find a bug. In case of a bug feel free to submit an issue on our Github repository.


Barrelize your folders with a click. This will generate a barrel file for the selected folder and will export all the files inside of it. This will be done recursively for all the subfolders as well.

This is useful for when you want to import a lot of imports from a directory and you don't want to import each file individually.

Tip: See the Extension Settings section on how you can customize your output


Inserting snippets

Here is an example video of the basic usage:

Shadcn/ui Generation

Here is an example video of the basic usage:

Progressive Form routes

Here is an example video of the basic usage:

Authentication flow

Here is an example video of the basic usage:

Generating routes

Here is an example video of the basic usage:

Barrelizing folders

Here is an example video of the basic usage:

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following configuration settings:


Release Notes


Monorepo support




















Readme update


Readme update


Initial release of Remix Forge