fork-my-spoons / jira-issues.spoon

Jira issues in your menubar
MIT License
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hammerspoon jira menubar menubar-app spoon

Jira Menu Bar App

GitHub issues GitHub all releases

Shows a list of Jira tickets assigned to a user and grouped by a status. It's also possible to transition selected ticket to a different status.

By default it shows a list of tickets returned by a following JQL:

assignee=currentuser() AND resolution=Unresolved

In order to show a different list (for example issues from the backlog or issues with a label) go to Jira's advanced search, construct a query and use it in the app's config.


    jira_host = '',
    login = 'mikey',
    api_token = 'cowabunga123',   

or, if you want to have a custom list of issues:

    jira_host = '',
    login = 'mikey',
    api_token = 'cowabunga123',
    jql = 'project = TMNT AND status = Open AND assignee in (EMPTY)'

Here is atlassian documentation on how to get an API token: Manage API tokens for your Atlassian account. In case you are using an old version of Jira, simply put your password instead of an API token.
This app uses icons, to properly display them, install a feather-font by downloading this .ttf font and installing it.