form3tech-oss / go-pagerduty-oncall-report

Generate a report for the oncall rotation using PagerDuty API
Apache License 2.0
23 stars 12 forks source link

PagerDuty on call report generator

Generate a report for the oncall rotation using PagerDuty API


Using source code

Clone repository into your local machine

git clone

And run the make command to build the application

make build

It will generate the pd-report binary into your root folder


Generate on-call rotation reports automatically
from your PagerDuty account.

  pd-report [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  report      generates the report(s) for the given schedule(s) id(s)
  schedules   list schedules on PagerDuty
  services    list services on PagerDuty
  teams       list teams on PagerDuty
  users       list users on PagerDuty

      --config string   configuration file (default is ~/.pd-report-config.yml)
  -h, --help            help for pd-report

Use "pd-report [command] --help" for more information about a command.


To run you must configure the PagerDuty token in your environment variables

export PD_AUTH_TOKEN=<YourSecretTokenHere>

The configuration of the application parameters must be in the yaml file (specified by the --config flag) with the following content:

# Explicitly set report time range (RFC822)
  start: 01 Jan 20 00:00 UTC
  end: 01 Feb 20 00:00 UTC

# Rotation general information
  dailyRotationStartsAt: 8
  checkRotationChangeEvery: 30 # minutes

defaultUserTimezone: Europe/London # default user timezone for users that are in the report but their account has been excluded from PagerDuty

defaultHolidayCalendar: uk # default calendar to use for users not specified in config, allows you to only define users with different calendars. If value not specified then fall back to old behaviour

# Rotation excluded hours by day type
  - day: weekday
    excludedStartsAt: 9
    excludedEndsAt: 17

# Rotation prices by day type
  currency: £
    - day: weekday
      price: 1
    - day: weekend
      price: 2
    - day: bankholiday
      price: 2

# List of users to be considered for the rotation
# Each one should be specifying a calendar for the bank holidays
# and the ID defined in PagerDuty
  - name: "User 1"
    holidaysCalendar: uk
    userId: P11A11B
  - name: "User 2"
    holidaysCalendar: uk
    userId: P22A22B
  - name: "Roger Solé"
    holidaysCalendar: sp_premia
    userId: P33A33B

# Time range overrides on a per-schedule basis (RFC 822)
  - id: ABCDEFG
    start: 01 Jan 20 00:00 UTC
    end: 21 Jan 20 00:00 UTC

# List of schedule IDs that can be ignored when generating the report
  - SCHED_1
  - SCHED_2

The default configuration file is ~/pd-report-config.yml. To specify the path and the filename, the flag --config can be used on commands execution.

Known limitations
