formulahendry / semantic-kernel-vs-langchain

Compare Semantic Kernel and LangChain
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Semantic Kernel vs LangChain

The repo tries to compare Semantic Kernel and LangChain to show the difference and similarity between them.

LangChain Semantic Kernel Note
Chains Kernel Construct sequences of calls
Agents Planner Auto create chains to address novel needs for a user
Tools Plugins (semantic functions + native function) Custom components that can be reused across different apps
Memory Memory Store context and embeddings in memory or other storage

Initial Release Date

LangChain: Oct, 2022

Semantic Kernel: Mar, 2023

Some Numbers

Semantic Kernel: Github Stars NuGet Pip Downloads GitHub contributors

LangChain: Github Stars Downloads GitHub contributors

Supported languages

Language LangChain Semantic Kernel

Data connection (Retrieval)

Many LLM applications require user-specific data that is not part of the model's training set. The primary way of accomplishing this is through Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). In this process, external data is retrieved and then passed to the LLM when doing the generation step.

Data connection

Building block LangChain Semantic Kernel
Document loaders: Load documents from many different sources Over 100 document loaders: File Loaders (CSV, Docx, EPUB, JSON, PDF, Markdown...) and Web Loaders (Azure Storage, S3, GitHub, Figma...) Word
Document transformers: Split documents, drop redundant documents, and more Multiple Split methods
Text embedding models: Take unstructured text and turn it into a list of floating point numbers Over 25 different embedding providers: OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, Hugging Face, Cohere, Google PaLM, Google Vertex AI, TensorFlow... OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, Hugging Face
Vector stores: Store and search over embedded data Over 50 vector stores About 10 vector stores
Retrievers: Query your data Simple semantic search, Contextual compression, Time-weighted vector store retriever, Parent Document Retriever, Self Query Retriever, Ensemble Retriever, and more. Simple semantic search

Automatically orchestrate AI

Type LangChain's Agents Semantic Kernel's Planner
Plan and execute ✅ (SequentialPlanner)
ReAct ✅ (StepwisePlanner)
Tree of Thoughts (ToT)