fornellas / tcg_opal_rootfs

TCG OPAL Root Filesystem
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TCG OPAL Root Filesystem

Support for using self-encrypting drives (SED) which follow TCG OPAL specification to encrypt the root filesystem of Debian / Ubuntu Linux systems.

Why SED instead of cryptsetup?

Why cryptsetup instead of SED?

Why this instead of OPAL MBR Shadow with linuxpba?

Why use linuxpba instead of this?


This example setup was successfully tested with Linux Mint 20.3 (Ubuntu Focal 20.04 LTS) though it should work at other Debian / Ubuntu variants.

Make sure to have backups of your data before attempting any of this.

Boot the installation media

From the live OS, we'll prepare the drive for encryption and partition it, so installation can go on top.

Compile sedutil

You will require sedutil-cli for the setup.

sudo apt install git automake make build-essential g++
git clone
cd tcg_opal_rootfs/
git submodule init
git submodule update

The binary will be available at tcg_opal_rootfs/sedutil/sedutil-cli.

Prepare the drive

Prepare the drive. This WILL ERASE EVERYTHING IN IT:

sedutil-cli --yesIreallywanttoERASEALLmydatausingthePSID $PSID $DEVICE
sedutil-cli --initialsetup $PASS $DEVICE
sedutil-cli --setMBREnable off $PASS $DEVICE


Partition using GPT (eg: with GParted):

[^1]: Size this partition to be able to hold all your kernels. [^2]: Size this to at least the size of your RAM if you would like to hibernate your system.

Setup locking range for root filesystem

Use fdisk -l $DEVICE and calculate:

This range will cover the whole drive, with the exception of EFI and /boot partitions which sit at the beginning.

Create the locking range:

sedutil-cli --setupLockingRange 1 $RANGE_START $RANGE_LENGTH $PASS $DEVICE
sedutil-cli --enablelockingrange 1 $PASS $DEVICE

IMPORTANT: any changes to this locking range will crypto-erase the whole range. This means that, you're free to change any partitions inside the locking range, everything will still work, but changes to EFI / /boot (eg: growing its size) will not be possible (as they'd grow into the locking range).

Install OS

Proceed with OS installation:

IMPORTANT: Do NOT poweroff the system after installation is finished. If you do so, the drive will be locked and you won't be able to boot! Simply reboot the system for first boot without powering it off.

First boot: Setup initramfs-tools

This step install sedutil & setup initramfs-tools to ask for the password for the drive if it is locked on boot (eg: after a cold boot). The drive will be unlocked to enable the boot to proceed, and the kernel will be instructed to keep the password in memory to enable the system to wake up from S3 sleep (as the drive will be locked).

sudo apt install git automake make build-essential g++ gawk
git clone
cd tcg_opal_rootfs/
git submodule init
git submodule update
sudo make install

Note: sedutil will be installed to /sbin/sedutil-cli.badicsalex deliberately, so it is clear this is a fork from the original!


At this point, your system should be fully functional:

Operational Commands

Change password:

sedutil-cli --setSIDPassword $OLD_PASS $PASS $DEVICE
sedutil-cli --setAdmin1Pwd $OLD_PASS $PASS $DEVICE $DEVICE

Restore drive to factory state (ERASE ALL)

This will DELETE ALL DATA. It requires the PSID which should be found printed at the drive:

sedutil-cli --yesIreallywanttoERASEALLmydatausingthePSID $PSID $DEVICE

Unlock drive manually (eg: from a recovery system):

sedutil-cli --setlockingrange 1 rw $PASS $DEVICE



