forwards /

Source repository for, published with GitHub Pages
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Source files for

The Forwards website is maintained using Quarto.

CAUTION! Pushing to the main branch triggers a GitHub action to build and deploy the website. For new/edited blog posts this may publish a new entry on the RSS feed. So,

If you want to include R code, you will need to render the site locally, so the results are saved and do not need to be recomputed by the GitHub action.

For all edits, please check the Editing checklist.

Previewing/rendering locally

Initial Setup

Each time you want to work on the website

This will show the rendered version of the file you are working on. However, Quarto will now watch for changes to any files so you can edit other source files and navigate the previewed website within the RStudio viewer or browser to see the latest changes.

Adding new content

Content is added as quarto files (.qmd). The location in the repository reflects the location on the website, e.g. about.qmd is deployed to and /blog/index.qmd is deployed to

There are currently three different types of content on the website: Blog posts, General pages and Reports.

Blog Posts

To start a new blog post, create a new directory in the relevant years' directory, e.g.


where the name of the directory defines the URL of your post.

Within the subdirectory, create a new file, index.Rmd, with the following header

title: Title in Title Case
  - name: Author 1
  - name: Author 2
date: "YYYY-MM-DD"
categories: [news, community]
description: "Announcement about the relaunch of the Forwards website."
draft: true

Make sure you have draft:true until you're ready to publish the post.

Use existing categories (see where possible.

The description specifies the description field for the metadata of the rendered HTML file and is also used in the blog listing.

Each blog post must have an image to include in the blog listing. The first image from the blog post is used, unless you specify an image with alternative text in the YAML header with image: and image-alt:.

Images should be put in the same directory as your index.qmd, so that you can refer them without a file path.

Publishing a blog post

General pages

The YAML header should contain a title and a description:

title: "About"
description: Background and structure of the R Foundation taskforce on women and other under-represented groups

By default, the forwards logo is used in social media cards. Add image: and image-alt: to specify an alternative image.

Images for top level pages are in the images folder and can be referenced as /images/pic.jpg, otherwise put them in the same folder as the .qmd file so you don't need to include a file path.

To add a link to the new page in the navigation bar, you need to edit the
navbar: field in the _quarto.yml file, see existing links for examples. Pages can be added as top-level links or as part of a menu (currently only "Other" has a menu).

We have some pages that are not linked to the navigation, but nested within sections, e.g. edu/nyc.qmd. This is works okay for pages that you point people to directly (e.g. for a specific event) or are linked from top-level pages (e.g. edu/index.qmd).


Reports can be added in the docs folder.

A link should be added to docs/index.qmd (maybe at some point we can change this to an automatic listing).

The YAML header should include title, description and date, with optional author field.

title: A Report
description: A report about important things.
author: ""
date: 2017-01-12
type: recommendations

Currently we have type: survey-report or type: recommendations and these two types are listed separately on the index page (manually).

Otherwise, these pages are like general pages.

General editing

Editing checklist

Document metadata

The title will show on the browser tab, so consider the first word or two carefully.

The description is used in the HTML metadata and will appear in web searches, and social media cards, i.e., the automatic summary that is shown when you share a link on Slack, Mastodon, etc. If this is missing, the title will be repeated.

Captions and alt text

For images included with markdown, add text between the square brackets to add a caption, specify alternative text as an attribute, e.g.,

![Caption](pic.jpg){fig-alt="Alternative text"}

Optimizing images

Please ensure image files are less than 100 KB. Images can be optimized using the magick package - example code is provided in R/optimize_photo.R. Consider cropping the photos (easiest with photo-viewing software) to remove "empty" space, short and wide photos work well, so people don't have to scroll a long way to get to the next text block.


If a page is moved, it's a good idea to add a redirect so that old links will still work. You can do this by specifying an alias in the YAML header

  - "/blog/2020/05/25/southern-africa-project-2020/index.html"

Changing site parameters

General configuration settings are specified in the /_quarto.yml file.

Settings can also be configured for sub-folders, we do this for the blog in blog/_metadata.yml.

CSS to customize the Bootstrap theme can be added to /styles.css. If you just want to change a variable, e.g. a theme colour, it is better to do this using Sass variables, currently we only do this for the dark theme in /theme-dark.scss.