fossas / fossa-cli-orb

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Orb Starter Kit CircleCI status CircleCI Community

This orb starter kit will help you write your own orb.

Orbs are reusable commands, executors, and jobs (as well as usage examples)—snippets of CircleCI configuration—that can be shared across teams and projects. See CircleCI Orbs, Explore Orbs, Creating Orbs, and Using Orbs for further information.


Before getting started, we assume you have CircleCI account and that you have git installed locally.


Getting started

  1. Download (don't fork/clone!) this repository and unzip it
  2. Create a new blank GitHub repository for your orb
  3. Rename your downloaded, unzipped orb-starter-kit-master folder to match the name of your new GitHub repository
  4. cd into the renamed folder and run git init to initalize it as a new local git repository
  5. Push your new local git repository to the blank GitHub repository you created earlier:
git push -u origin master
  1. Replace the config.yml in the .circleci directory with the one in the repository's root, or run the included script
  2. Add your new GitHub repository as a new project on CircleCI, so your new orb will be continuously built and tested as you write it

Optional: setting up your local orb development environment

If you haven't already installed the CircleCI CLI, created an orb namespace, and/or registered your orb name with the orb registry, this repository includes scripts to help you do so, all located in the orb-setup-scripts directory.

  1. Run the script to install and configure the CircleCI CLI
  2. Run the script like this:
bash your-desired-namespace your-github-org
  1. Run the script like this:
bash your-namespace/your-desired-orb-name

Note: to create a namespace or an orb, you must have owner/admin privileges in the GitHub org to which it is linked

Writing your orb

This orb provides a basic directory/file structure for a decomposed orb (where commands, jobs, examples, and executors each live in their own YAML file). Create each of your commands, jobs, examples, and executors within the requisite folders in the src directory.

On every new pushed commit, src will automatically be linted via yamllint, packed into a single orb.yml file, validated by the circleci CLI, and, if valid, published as a dev release to the orb registry.

Following are some resources to help you build and test your orb: