fossiiita / Projects

Current ongoing works of fossiiita will be displayed here.
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Any student of iiita can suggest a project please submit an issue under the name and add label idea.

if alt text

then Issue under idea

Need help

If anyone wants help from foss IIITA for contribtuions please make an issue under the label Projects

if you ==alt text

then issue under projects

Want to be a of help?

Then Help out on projects check out the issue and our current projects .

Anyone from IIITA could do so. Even if you are not in FOSS or a freshmen.

Contact us

IRC channel

  1. Change your proxy settings to Sadly, IRC doesn't work on

  2. For linux users, install a irc client such as pidgin(GUI), xchat(GUI), weechat(CLI).

  3. For windows users (don't worry, you will become a linux user soon), you can use Also, for linux users whose above clients don't work, you can use this.

  4. Use a nickname. It is better if you register one. Remember, this nickname will become your identity in open source world wide. So select wisely.

  5. Go to channel #iiita-dev

  6. Welcome to the world of Open Source

Or message us on facebook.