Week 8 project for FAC5 to create a learning platform for Founders & Coders.
For ease of use, this production section will be at the top of the README until end of the initial sprint on Friday. This production section contains a section on rules to help us work better, production standards, as well as production resources and a production log.
Technically: everyone. However the person responsible for any issues with the Repo (merge conflicts, broken branches, bad dependencies, etc) is Jack M. In order to be able to help, Jack will be doing his best to keep up to date with all pull requests to the Master branch, so please let him know if/when your team has code to contribute.
Pivotal Tracker: Project tracking located here
Project Wireframes: Located at Google Slides
More to come...
Branches, Commits and Pull Requests
Code Coverage
Code Style
We are using the Codewars API to allow a user to select a kata to work on. A user has a choice of kyu levels 1-8, or 'default' to level up on their account, or 'random'. The user can also access their own profile information. The endpoints are as follows:
Currently the API calls have to be authenticated with a user's own personal API key, which has to be taken from their own account settings. For the time being, the API key has been set to a specific value, though there will be an error as it seems to expire after a few hours.
We aim to be able to extract a kata description, as well as the kata setup and the url, in order to enable people to pair on code using a collaborative editor.