Prposed new demo program that can be used to test all widget attributes and presentation styles and what impact they on appearance of a form item
To run, on left hand side you would be expected to select Widget, Container, Dialog and then based on values entered, you would then select and enter possible widget attribute values, possible presentation style values. On the right hand side you would see the resultant .4gl, .per, .4st. You can then click GO to see the impact of what you have entered on a running Genero program.
Benefits are for developers to quickly see what differences the various widget attributes and presentation styles have on appearance.
By using the import/export, examples can be shared between developers, other developers and support personnel.
Internally the program operators by creating an in-memory SQLite database with all the possible values. As the user selects valuues, autocompletion is used to select legal values. A .4gl, .per and .4st is then generated and the program is run.
Screenshot showing widget attributes being entered
Screenshow showing common presentation style attributes being entered
Running program
The .gitignore has a few extra files. These are the files that are generated when the test program is run
In the code, I have used TODO to indicate where changes can be made
In the code there is a comment with a link to the documentation of the change
Initial commit has implemented EDIT (hard-doded) in a GRID (hard-coded) using an INPUT (hard-coded) with its attributes and common presentation style attributes