fourlastor-alexandria / construo

A gradle plugin to cross compile jvm projects
MIT License
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Construo is a gradle plugin to cross compile JVM apps.


Add the plugin to your project

Kotlin DSL

plugins {
  id("io.github.fourlastor.construo") version "1.4.1"

Groovy DSL

plugins {
  id "io.github.fourlastor.construo" version "1.4.1"


General config

These are the base options to set when using construo.

construo {
    // name of the executable
    // human-readable name, used for example in the `.app` name for macOS
    // Optional, defaults to project version
    // Optional, defaults to application.mainClass or jar task main class
    // Optional, defaults to $buildDir/construo/dist
    // where to put the packaged zips
    // Optional, an alternative jar task name to base the build upon

JLink options

You can customize how the minimized image is generated with the jlink block.

construo {
    jlink {
        // add arbitrary modules to be included when running jlink
        // guess the modules from the jar using jdeps, defaults to true

Roast options

Construo uses roast to run the application, a few options can be specified and will be set in its config.json.

construo {
    roast {
        // use ZGC garbage collector, defaults to true
        // use the main class as the context class loader, defaults to false, useful for compose apps
        // vm startup options

Defining targets

Targets define the output bundles construo will generate, each target will need to define the architecture, and a JDK url for that specific target (you cannot use a JRE for cross compilation).


Windows targets support only the X86_64 architecture.

The useGpuHint option specifies whether the packaged app will use the discrete GPU in hybrid systems (defaults to true).


The identifier option is mandatory.

An icon can be optionally specified with macOsIcon on each target.

Kotlin DSL ```kotlin import io.github.fourlastor.construo.Target construo { targets { create("linuxX64") { architecture.set(Target.Architecture.X86_64) jdkUrl.set("") } create("macM1") { architecture.set(Target.Architecture.AARCH64) jdkUrl.set("") // macOS needs an identifier identifier.set("io.github.fourlastor.Game") // Optional: icon for macOS macIcon.set(project.file("path/to/mac-icon.icns")) } create("winX64") { architecture.set(Target.Architecture.X86_64) jdkUrl.set("") // use executable with GPU hints, defaults to true useGpuHint.set(false) } } } ```
Groovy DSL ```groovy import io.github.fourlastor.construo.Target construo { targets.configure { create("linuxX64", Target.Linux) { architecture.set(Target.Architecture.X86_64) jdkUrl.set("") } create("macM1", Target.MacOs) { architecture.set(Target.Architecture.AARCH64) jdkUrl.set("") // macOS needs an identifier identifier.set("io.github.fourlastor.Game") // Optional: icon for macOS macIcon.set(project.file("path/to/mac-icon.icns")) } create("winX64", Target.Windows) { architecture.set(Target.Architecture.X86_64) jdkUrl.set("") // use executable with GPU hints, defaults to true useGpuHint.set(false) } } } ```

Using ProGuard

You can set a ProguardTask as the jarTask name, in that case, you will also have to set mainClass to the main class name (see general config).

Packaging the targets

Each defined target will generate a packageXXX task, where XXX is the capitalized name of the target (for example: packageLinuxX64). Running the task will produce a zip inside the outputDir folder containing the fully packaged app.