foxostro / GutsyStorm

Game with voxel graphics similar to Minecraft. (Restart GutsyStorm with Objective-C/Cocoa)
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Gutsy Storm is the codename for an otherwise nameless game project which is basically me having fun with blocky/voxel, procedurally generated terrain similar to Minecraft. This is not intended to be a Minecraft clone. Right now I'm enjoying just messing around with the core engine code. Eventually, the plan is to use Minecraft-like terrain and terrain editing functionality for an Action-RPG style game. So, this will eventually be a bit of a Diablo clone with a Minecraft-style voxel world. In any case, there's a vast distance between where the application is today and that eventual goal.

Author: Andrew Fox Project Home:

Getting Started

To build the game, just open it in Xcode and run! There is no bootstrap step. There are no external dependencies.


System Requirements for Using Gutsy Storm

The game has been tested on three machines:

In normal circumstances, there is a working set of voxel and geometry data which must be held in memory at all times and a set of data which is held purely for caching. The cache will be expanded and contracted automatically based on the amount of memory available on the system. So, the working set is the real concern here, especially if it is too large to hold in memory on your machine.

If the frame rate is very low then there are two things you might want to try:

  1. Make sure you are running a Release build, not a Debug build.
  2. Try lowering the size of the "active region" by entering the following in Terminal:

    % defaults write ~/Library/Containers/com.foxostro.GutsyStorm/Data/Library/Preferences/com.foxostro.GutsyStorm.plist ActiveRegionExtent -int 128

    You may also want to this with a value of "64" or "192". (The default is 256.)

Also, the active region size controls the draw distance of the terrain, so reducing this value can improve performance by reducing load to the GPU.

Additionally, geometry for each chunk in the active region is uploaded to the GPU the first time the chunk is drawn. This can cause an unacceptably low frame rate while the active region is being generated. In this case, once chunk generation is finished, the frame rate will return to normal. This issue can be considered a performance bug as I can probably schedule VAO creation more effectively.


To run a suite of performnace benchmarks, set the boolean "Benchmark" default to YES. This facility exists because it was much more convenient to make my own performance benchmark test harness than to get Xcode to actually run my XCTest performance tests in Release mode.

To enable detailed logging of the time spent in user actions, set the boolean default "StopwatchTraceEnabled" to YES. This will cause the application to log to the console when a user action occurs and to log how long each intermediate step takes to run. Note that this functionality is disabled when the app is built with the GS_STOPWATCH_TRACE_STEP_ENABLED macro set to 0, which is the default. See GSActivity.h for details.

Misc. Notes

Tileset artwork comes from the article at