foxostro / GutsyStormPython_Abandoned

Python game with boxy voxel terrain. (similar to Minecraft's terrain)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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This project has been abandoned. I've started rewriting the nascent game engine in a new project available at The main reason for doing this was that I was simply not able to get acceptable performance out of Python even with extensive work on performance optimization and research into Python optimization. Basically, it seemed my options were to either 1) rewrite very large portions of the engine in another language (really, almost everything would have to be rewritten) or 2) 2) start over in another language. I chose to do a rewrite.

Gutsy Storm is the codename for an otherwise nameless game project which seeks to investigate 3D game programming with Python and Pyglet. The game is so far intended to use a voxel-based, procedurally generated terrain similar to Minecraft. This, however, is not exactly a Minecraft clone. Instead, the plan is to use Minecraft-like terrain and terrain editing functionality as the basis for the game world and the world editor. The game itself will be a simple hack-n-slash RPG which itself would be considered to be somewhat of a Diablo clone.


To Run: You must build a few frameworks before you can use some of the prototype scripts. For example, Perlin Noise generation requires the framework pnoise.framework to be built and installed to "./Frameworks/".

Author: Andrew Fox Project Home: