fpadula / visualcollisionarm

End-to-End Visual Obstacle Avoidance for a Robotic Manipulator usingDeep Reinforcement Learning
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End-to-End Visual Obstacle Avoidance for a Robotic Manipulator using Deep Reinforcement Learning

About The Project

This project uses a DRL algorithm (TD3) to perform a goal-reaching task for a robotic arm, while avoiding obstacles using camera images. This is the result of my master thesis, which can be found here.

Built With

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


This project was tested using python versions 3.7.10 and 3.8.8, but any recent python version should work.

  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/fpadula/visualcollisionarm
  2. Navigate to the Python Scripts folder and create a new virtualenv

    cd python_scripts/
    python -m virtualenv venv
  3. Enable the virtualenv and install all the necessary python packages

    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r python_packages.txt


  1. Run a pre-trained model with a single agent using visual and scalar inputs, and enable input visualization

    python src/trainer.py --run_id VisualModel --config_file configs/base_config_visual_aug.yaml --device cuda --exec_type eval --env_location simu_envs/SingleAgentVisualization/scene.x86_64 --simu_spd 1 --eval_episodes 10 --seed 1 --visualize_input true
  2. Run a pre-trained model using multiple agents that uses visual and scalar values

    python src/trainer.py --run_id VisualModel --config_file configs/base_config_visual_aug.yaml --device cuda --exec_type eval --env_location simu_envs/AllAgentsVisual/scene.x86_64 --simu_spd 1
  3. Run a pre-trained model using multiple agents that uses only scalar values

    python src/trainer.py --run_id ScalarModel --config_file configs/base_config.yaml --device cuda --exec_type eval --env_location simu_envs/AllAgentsScalar/scene.x86_64 --simu_spd 1
  4. Gym-Wrapper example; running a random policy:

    python examples/gym_api.py
