In the following instructions, podman
may be replaced with sudo docker
Perform one of the following steps:
$ git clone
$ cd docker-brave-browser
$ podman build -t [IMAGE_NAME] .
)Choose some arbitrary [DISPLAY_NUMBER]
and run:
$ Xephyr -resizeable :[DISPLAY_NUMBER]
# for example:
$ Xephyr -resizeable :1
Alternative: Adapt the access rights of your main X server
(cave: xhost +
is horribly insecure)
$ podman run --name brave_browser --rm --init \
-e DISPLAY=:[DISPLAY_NUMBER] -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v brave_browser_home:/home/browser --shm-size 1GB \
--read-only --tmpfs /tmp:size=8k \
--cap-drop ALL --security-opt no-new-privileges \
Add --tmpfs /tmp:size=8k
when using docker