fpletz / puppet-radvd

Simple radvd module for Puppet
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Simple radvd module for Puppet

This is a simple module for installing and configuring a radvd daemon to announce IPv6 prefixes on an interface. It should work on any Unix-like operating system that is supported by both radvd and puppet.

Current Status

As of now, all definitions and options that are available in radvd's config file should be supported. Please file a bug if you encounter problems.

Simple Example

    class {'radvd':
      interfaces => {
        'eth0' => {
          options  => {
            'AdvSendAdvert' => 'on',
          prefixes => {
            '2001:0DB8:2342:cafe::/64' => {},


    include 'radvd'
    radvd::interface { 'eth0':
      options  => {
        'AdvSendAdvert' => 'on',
      prefixes => {
        '2001:0DB8:2342:cafe::/64' => {},

Advanced Example

    radvd::interface { 'eth1':
      options => {
        'AdvSendAdvert'     => 'on',
        'MinRtrAdvInterval' => 10,
        'MaxRtrAdvInterval' => 30,
      prefixes => {
        '2001:0DB8:2342:cafe::/64' => {
          'AdvOnLink'     => 'on',
          'AdvAutonomous' => 'on',
      rdnss => {
        '2001:0DB8:2342:cafe::1' => {
          'AdvRDNSSLifetime' => 30,
      dnssl => {
        'branch.example.com example.com' => {
          'AdvDNSSLLifetime' => 30,
      routes => {
        '2001:0DB8:2342:ccc::/64' => {},
      clients => [


Contributions welcome!

Please contribute your code as pull requests if you add or fix code. I will try to merge or comment as soon as possible. Thanks! :)