fpv-iplab / MECCANO

The MECCANO Dataset: official repository in which we provide code and models.
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The MECCANO Dataset

This is the official github repository related to the MECCANO Dataset.

Running ICIAP Competition with Prize!

MECCANO is a multimodal dataset of egocentric videos to study humans behavior understanding in industrial-like settings. The multimodality is characterized by the presence of gaze signals, depth maps and RGB videos acquired simultaneously with a custom headset. You can download the MECCANO dataset and its annotations from the project web page.

Use the MECCANO Dataset with PySlowFast

To use the MECCANO Dataset in PySlowfast please follow the instructions below:

Now, run the training/test with:

python tools/run_net.py --cfg path_to_your_config_file --[optional flags]

Pre-Extracted Features

We provide pre-extracted features of MECCANO Dataset:

Use the MECCANO Dataset with Detectron2

To use the MECCANO Dataset in Detectron2 to perform Object Detection and Recognition please follow the instructions below:

Now, run the training/test with:

python tools/train_net.py --config-file path_to_your_config_file --[optional flags]

Use the MECCANO Dataset with RULSTM

To use the MECCANO Dataset with RULSTM please follow the instructions below:

Now, run the test with:

python main.py test ../../test_features/ models/meccano/final_fusion_model.pt --modality fusion --task anticipation --num_class 61 --img_tmpl {:05d}.jpg --meccanomulti

Model Zoo and Baselines

1) Action Recognition

PySlowFast models

We provided pretrained models on the MECCANO Dataset for the action recognition task (only for the first version of the dataset): architecture depth model config
I3D R50 link configs/action_recognition/I3D_8x8_R50.yaml
SlowFast R50 link configs/action_recognition/SLOWFAST_8x8_R50.yaml
We provided pretrained models on the MECCANO Multimodal Dataset for the action recognition task: architecture depth modality model config
SlowFast R50 RGB link configs/action_recognition/SLOWFAST_8x8_R50_MECCANO.yaml
SlowFast R50 Depth link configs/action_recognition/SLOWFAST_8x8_R50_MECCANO.yaml

2) Active Object Detection and Recognition

Detectron2 models

We provided pretrained models on the MECCANO Dataset for the active object recognition task: architecture depth model config
Faster RCNN R101_FPN link configs/active_object_recognition/meccano_active_objects.yaml

3) Egocentric Human-Object Interaction (EHOI) Detection

For the active objects detection involved in the interaction, you have to use the model provided for the 2) task.

PySlowFast models (verb prediction)

We provided pretrained models on the MECCANO Multimodal Dataset for the verb prediction of the EHOI detection task: architecture depth modality model config
SlowFast R50 RGB link configs/ehoi_detection/SLOWFAST_8x8_R50_MECCANO_ehoi.yaml
SlowFast R50 Depth link configs/ehoi_detection/SLOWFAST_8x8_R50_MECCANO_ehoi.yaml

4) Action Anticipation

RULSTM models

We provided the best model trained on MECCANO Multimodal Dataset which uses three branches: Objects, Gaze and Hands. architecture modality model
RULSTM Obj, Gaze, Hands link

5) Next-Active Objects (NAOs) Prediction

Detectron2 models

We provided pretrained models on the MECCANO Dataset for the next-active object prediction task: architecture depth train_data model config
Faster RCNN R101_FPN active+next-active link configs/next-active_object/meccano_next_active_objects.yaml

Citing the MECCANO Dataset

If you find the MECCANO Dataset useful in your research, please use the following BibTeX entry for citation.

title={MECCANO: A Multimodal Egocentric Dataset for Humans Behavior Understanding in the Industrial-like Domain},
author={Francesco Ragusa and Antonino Furnari and Giovanni Maria Farinella},

Additionally, cite the original paper:

  title = {The MECCANO Dataset: Understanding Human-Object Interactions from Egocentric Videos in an Industrial-like Domain},
  author = {Francesco Ragusa and Antonino Furnari and Salvatore Livatino and Giovanni Maria Farinella},
  year = {2021},
  eprint = {2010.05654},
  booktitle = {IEEE Winter Conference on Application of Computer Vision (WACV)}