fraillt / bitsery

Your binary serialization library
MIT License
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Header only C++ binary serialization library. It is designed around the networking requirements for real-time data delivery, especially for games.

All cross-platform requirements are enforced at compile time, so serialized data do not store any meta-data information and is as small as possible.

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Why use bitsery

Look at the numbers and features list, and decide yourself.

library data size ser time des time
bitsery 6913B 1119ms 1166ms
boost 11037B 15391ms 12912ms
cereal 10413B 10518ms 10245ms
flatbuffers 14924B 9075ms 3701ms
msgpack 8857B 3340ms 13842ms
protobuf 10018B 21229ms 22077ms
yas 10463B 2107ms 1554ms

benchmarked on Ubuntu with GCC 10.3.0, more details can be found here

If still not convinced read more in library motivation section.

Usage example

#include <bitsery/bitsery.h>
#include <bitsery/adapter/buffer.h>
#include <bitsery/traits/vector.h>

enum class MyEnum:uint16_t { V1,V2,V3 };
struct MyStruct {
    uint32_t i;
    MyEnum e;
    std::vector<float> fs;

template <typename S>
void serialize(S& s, MyStruct& o) {
    s.container4b(o.fs, 10);

using Buffer = std::vector<uint8_t>;
using OutputAdapter = bitsery::OutputBufferAdapter<Buffer>;
using InputAdapter = bitsery::InputBufferAdapter<Buffer>;

int main() {
    MyStruct data{8941, MyEnum::V2, {15.0f, -8.5f, 0.045f}};
    MyStruct res{};

    Buffer buffer;

    auto writtenSize = bitsery::quickSerialization<OutputAdapter>(buffer, data);
    auto state = bitsery::quickDeserialization<InputAdapter>({buffer.begin(), writtenSize}, res);

    assert(state.first == bitsery::ReaderError::NoError && state.second);
    assert(data.fs == res.fs && data.i == res.i && data.e == res.e);

For more details go directly to quick start tutorial.

How to use it

This documentation comprises these parts:

documentation is in progress, most parts are empty, but contributions are welcome.


Works with C++11 compiler, no additional dependencies, include <bitsery/bitsery.h> and you're done.

some bitsery extensions might require higher C++ standard (e.g. StdVariant)


Library is tested on all major compilers on Windows, Linux and macOS.

There is a patch that allows using bitsery with non-fully compatible C++11 compilers.


bitsery is licensed under the MIT license.