frangeris / use-requests

Type-Safe HTTP client hook (react) to handle requests based on native fetch api with some magic under the hood ✨.
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Type-Safe HTTP client hook helper to handle requests based on native fetch api with some magic under the hood ✨.

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[!CAUTION] This package is still in development and not ready for production use.

npm install use-requests

Get started

This module provides a lightweight abstraction for making API requests in TypeScript, with a focus on defining and using REST API endpoints efficiently. The module offers a clean, type-safe way to handle HTTP requests using predefined endpoints.

Some key features:


To begin using the API request module, you need to initialize it by specifying the base URL of your API and defining the endpoints you'll be working with (there is an option for raw request we will cover later). This setup ensures that all subsequent API requests are made to the correct URLs with consistent endpoint handling.

First, you’ll need to import the necessary functions.

Here's how you import them from the module:

import { init, useRequests, useOptions, useRawRequests } from "use-requests";

Then, you'll define your API endpoints using an enum. This enum acts as a centralized way to declare all the routes your API supports. It also helps ensure that requests are type-safe, meaning you'll get compile-time checks for correct usage:

export enum Api {
  users = "/users",
  userById = "/users/:id",

Each key in the enum represents a different API route. These routes can contain dynamic parameters (e.g., :id), which are replaced by actual values when making requests.

Now, we need to initialize by using the init function. This function requires two arguments:

init("", { ...Api });

In above example:

By setting up this initialization, you ensure that every request you make using the useRequests hook will automatically target the correct API with the predefined endpoints.

⚡️ Now, let's make some requests

Once the module is initialized, you can easily make requests to the defined endpoints. Here's quick snippet:

import { init, useRequests, useOptions } from "use-requests";

type User = {};

export enum Api {
  users = "/users",
  userById = "/users/:id",

init("", { ...Api });

const main = async () => {
  const { userById } = useRequests<typeof Api>();

  // the returned structure is the same as the fetch Response object
  // so json, ok, body, blob, bytes, headers, status, text, statusText are available
  const t = await userById.get<User>({ params: { id: 1 } });

[!NOTE] The data property is also available, but there are some caveats we will discuss later.

All HTTP methods expect an optional RequestPath object, which can be used to customize the request path, query strings, and other options. For example:

Adding another part to the URL, used for extends the endpoint:

const { users } = useRequests<typeof Api>();
await users.get({ path: "/test", query: { id: "1" } });
// will request to

Based on the above example, the useRequests hook returns an object with methods for each endpoint defined in the Api enum. You can then call these methods to make requests to the corresponding API routes.

Only registered endpoints are available

If you try to access an endpoint that isn't defined in the Api enum, TypeScript will throw a compile-time error. This ensures that you only use the correct endpoints and helps prevent runtime errors.

example 1

Type-safe request handling

The useRequests hook provides methods for each endpoint defined in the Api enum. These methods are type-safe, meaning that the parameters you pass to them are checked against the expected types defined in the Api enum. This ensures that you're using the correct parameters for each endpoint and helps prevent runtime errors.

example 2

The response by any methods is an instance of fetch Response object, which you can use to extract status, headers, json(), text(), etc.

[!WARNING] Any parameters defined in the endpoint definition are required when calling the method. If you omit a required parameter, TypeScript will throw a compile-time error or an exception will be thrown at runtime.

data property

The data property is a helper that allows you to extract the JSON response from the fetch response object, it's a wrapper that in case that data property exists in the json response so will be casted to the generic type used, eg: User[] or User.


  1. The property is not populated automatically, you need to call it explicitly in a asynchronous way.
  2. data key needs to be present on the response, otherwise, it will return null,

Here's an example of how to use the data property, given the following JSON response for GET /users:

  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "John Doe"
const { users } = useRequests<typeof Api>();
const { data } = await users.get<User[]>();
console.log(await data); // [{ id: 1, name: "John Doe" }]

The await keyword is used to extract the JSON response from the fetch response object and cast it to the generic type User[] in runtime, so it will be available only when requested, otherwise and others scenarios when needs the direct manipulation of the response object, you can use the fetch response object directly.

Raw requests

In some cases, you may need to make requests that don't correspond to any of the predefined endpoints. For these cases, you can use the useRawRequests hook, which provides a way to make raw requests to any URL.

The useRawRequests hook returns an object with methods for making requests using the fetch API. You can use these methods to make requests to any URL, with full control over the request path, query strings, headers, and other options.

When using raw requests, global shared options are not applied, here's an example of how to use the useRawRequests hook:

const raw = useRawRequests();
const r = await raw("").get();
// GET


There is a way to customize headers for all requests, you can use the useOptions hook to set headers, options, and other configurations for all requests.

The useOptions function allows you to customize headers following the standard Headers API specification.

All headers are shared across all requests, so you only need to set them once. For example, you can set an authorization token for all requests and will be used for all subsequent requests, eg:

To use useOptions, you first need to import it from the module:

import { useOptions } from "use-requests";

const { headers } = useOptions();
const { users } = useRequests<typeof Api>();
headers.set("Authorization", "Bearer token");
// ...
const t = await users.get<User[]>();

This sets the Authorization header for all requests made using the useRequests hook.

[!NOTE] All request from now on will use this header while the instance is alive

By using useOptions, you can easily customize headers and other request options (future) on a per-request basis, providing flexibility and control over your API interactions.

Why use-requests?

In modern web development, working with APIs is a common requirement, but it often comes with challenges such as:

This module addresses these challenges by offering a Type safety for API requests following strict typing for your endpoints, ensuring that the routes, parameters, and query strings are used correctly at compile-time.

By using an enum to define all endpoints in one place, it becomes easier to update, maintain, and reuse API routes without worrying about inconsistent URL usage across your codebase.

Making request handling via the useRequests hook abstracts away much of the boilerplate required for making HTTP requests, allowing you to focus on the logic of your application instead of the details of constructing API calls.

As your API grows, you can simply add more routes to the Endpoints enum and have them immediately available across your project without rewriting any request logic.

Made with ❤️ by frang