This is a parser for the statement file produced from the italian bank Fineco.
It's written as a plugin for ofxstatement
_, which handle the writing of the standard OFX file.
is a tool to convert proprietary bank statement to OFX format,
suitable for importing to GnuCash
or any other standard-friendly accounting sofware.
It basically give you the freedom to use any accounting program you like,
without the need of propretary software that is sometimes advertised by the banks,
as the italian Fineco do with its MoneyMap
You can import in HomeBank
_ few years of your bank account history at once,
then categorize all the in/outcome in bulk with text matching rules on the memo/info field.
So in a few minutes you can analyze your money flow over time through graphical charts.
$ ofxstatement convert -t fineco file.xls file.ofx
$ pip3 install ofxstatement-fineco
HomeBank limit
_ during ofx import.The plugin support both the xls file available from Fineco: the one from your savings, and the one from your debit/credit cards. The debit card top-ups log it's not supported by purpose, since the same transactions are present in the savings statement. I'm not aware of other statement files available from Fineco bank, if you do please send me a sample file, or feel free to contribute.
, fineco2kmymoney
.. _ofxstatement: https://github.com/kedder/ofxstatement .. _GnuCash: https://www.gnucash.org/ .. _MoneyMap: https://finecobank.com/en/online/conto-e-carte/moneymap/ .. _HomeBank: http://homebank.free.fr/ .. _HomeBank limit: https://bugs.launchpad.net/homebank/+bug/1645124 .. _fineco2qif: https://code.google.com/archive/p/fineco2qif/ .. _fineco2kmymoney: https://code.google.com/archive/p/fineco2kmymoney/