frankandrobot / rapier

Implements "Relational Learning of Pattern-Match Rules for Information Extraction" by Califf and Mooney
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 1 forks source link



Intellij 15 Setup


For now, you'll either have to build the library yourself or download a version of the library from here. We'll eventually [setup this Github repo as a maven repo] ( so that you'll be able to use this library in the usual maven/gradle workflow; however, this task has low priority so no ETA.


gradle build # the JAR will be in the build/libs folder


Except for funktionale and several natural language processing libraries, this library has no dependencies. For now, you'll need to use Kotlin (or any JVM language) to load this library and process the data. However, a command line interface is in the works. In the mean time, checkout RapierSpec.kt for sample usage.

  1. Define a BlankTemplate.

     val blankTemplate = BlankTemplate(
       name = "test",
       slots = slotNames("title")
  2. Create a Document.

     val document = Document("""
     Looking for a Senior Software Engineer and a QA developer.
  3. Fill out a template for the given slot using the given document.

      val filledTemplate = FilledTemplate(slots(
        SlotName("title") to slotFillers(
          wordTokens("Senior", "Software", "Engineer"),
          wordTokens("QA", "developer")
  4. Put everything together as an Example.

      val filledTemplate = Example(
  5. Repeat Steps 2--4 on other documents.

  6. Setup the desired Rapier params. Checkout RapierParams.kt for a list of all avail params.

     val params = RapierParams(
       compressionFails = 7,
       metricMinPositiveMatches = 1,
       compressionPriorityQueueSize = 5
  7. Run rapier on the Examples.

     val examples = Examples(listOf(example))
     val learnedRules = 
       rapier(blankTemplate, examples = examples, params = params)
         .normalize() // remove useless rules and convert to simpler rule format
  8. Extract information from new documents using the learned rules.

     val rulesForTitleSlot = learnedRules[SlotName("title")]
     val results = rulesForTitleSlot.findMatches(aDocument)

    Or find all the matches for each slot in one shot.

     val allResults = learnedRules.all().findMatches(aDocument)