franklan / SpiderInRuby

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Spider In Ruby

In fact, it's not a spider but a collector.

I'd like to collect prices, images and urls of Nikon lens from websites such as Amazon, Jingdong and Dangdang. It's because I want to buy lens when they are in sales and it's inelegant to look on different websites from time to time. As for programmers, Don't Repeat Yourself!

I want to show the information on my own website. This project is the core module for the collector. It could get the html of the websites by the use of Watir and analyze the content by the use of Hpricot. If you input the name, the program will output the prices, image url and product urls in the command line.

I have recorded the errors when accomplishing the project at my blog, pls refer to用Ruby实现简单小爬虫/.

Comments and suggestions about this project are highly appreciated. Feel free to contact me. Thank you.