frankligy / SNAF

Splicing Neo Antigen Finder (SNAF) is an easy-to-use Python package to identify splicing-derived tumor neoantigens from RNA sequencing data, it further leverages both deep learning and hierarchical Bayesian models to prioritize certain candidates for experimental validation
MIT License
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Splicing Neo Antigen Finder (SNAF) is an easy-to-use Python package to identify splicing-derived tumor neoantigens from RNA sequencing data, it can predict, prioritize and visualize MHC-bound neoantigen for T cell (T antigen) and altered surface protein for B cell (B antigen).


Tutorial and documentation

See Full Documentation.

Particulary, to avoid hassle, it is advisable to start a fresh conda environment with python 3.7 on a Linux system, and use this specific git commit (I am actively maintaining it) instead of the stable pypi version.

pip install git+

Interactive Viewers (below, take a few seconds to load)

Input and Output

Simply put, user needs to supply a folder with bam files, and the HLA type assciated with each patient (using your favorite HLA typing tool). And it will generate predicted immunogenic MHC-bound peptides and altered surface protein. Moreover, there's a myriad of convenient function that enables users to conduct survival analysis, association analysis and publication-quality visualiztion. Check our tutorials for more detail.

Auxiliary Programs developed within SNAF


Guangyuan Li et al. ,Splicing neoantigen discovery with SNAF reveals shared targets for cancer immunotherapy.Sci. Transl. Med.16,eade2886(2024).DOI:10.1126/scitranslmed.ade2886 (


Guangyuan(Frank) Li


PhD student, Biomedical Informatics

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center(CCHMC)

University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine