frawau / pyhvac

Generating IR codes for various A/C devices
MIT License
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LG is not tested. "auto" mode for Sharp J-Tech is flaky

Although most of the devices associated with IRremoteESP8266 seems to produce reasonable output, this has, obviously, not been checked.

pyhvac is a Python 3 library/utility to generate IR code for A/C device.

This library uses code/work from:


We are on PyPi so

 pip3 install pyhvac
 python3 -m pip install pyhvac

 After installation, the utility

 gaccode, gcpanasonic, gcdaikin, gclg, gcsharp

 can be used to generate codes. Use the -h option for help.

 Note that the utilities cannot fully excercise all the capabilities of their respective plugin.
 For instance, the code for a Sharp A/C can depend on the state of the device. gcsharp does not keep track of the
 state of the device.

Supported IR codes

With the inclusion of the library from IRremoteESP8266 there is a lot of supported A/C. :


pyhvac uses plugin to add support.

Each plugin file must have a


class that must have a "get_device" method to return HVAC objects, a 'brand' attribute and a 'models' attribute containing a dictionary matching models to objects. Note that brand and models MUST BE lowercased.

Each HVAC object describes a specific way of generating codes for IR transmission.

The codes should be returned as a list of bytes in either lsb or msb format. The HVAC object must have its "is_msb" attribute set to False or True accordingly.

All HVAC objects are required to have at the minimum 2 capabilities:

mode   with at least "off" and another value ("auto", "cool", ....)
temperature  with the accepted range

Other capabilities are expected.

To simplify things, it is requested that some sort of normalization of function names occur. In most cases an AC unit will have the following

mode: the operating mode. Values are expected to be amongst
      "off"   turned off (This is mandatory)
      "auto"  automatic mode sometines known as "feel", "ai", ...
      "cool"  Cooling
      "heat"  Heating
      "dry"   dehumidifying
      "fan"   fan mode only

temperature:  The full range of temperatures. If there
              are 2 distinct ranges for cooling or heating,
              the union should be used here.

              The attribute 'temperature_step' can be used to
              specify fractioanl temperature e.g. 0.5, 0.1

fan: The air flow power. Values are expecterd to be amongst
       "auto"   Automatic mode
       lowest   The lowest air flow setting

       When there are only 3 modes, highest, medium and lowest should be used if possible

swing: The use of the vertical orientation of the air flow..
        It can be a switch on/off (values 'off' and 'on') or more complex

        auto  automatic (in many cases similar to the on/off switch function)
        ceiling up up up
        90°    Horizontal orientation
        0°     Vertical orientation

Many other functions are possible, but still some canonization is recommended.

For instance, many manufactures trademarked their air purifying technology: nanoe, nanoex (Panasonic), plasmacluster (Sharp), plasma (LG).... In this case it is recommended to use the name "purifier" for that functionm

The HVAC object offers to convenience methods: to_lirs, to transform the frames into lirc codes to_broadlink, to trnaform the frames into Broadlink compatible codes