frc1418 / 2015-ui

Team 1418's Driver Station code for 2015. DEPRECATED, use
Apache License 2.0
7 stars 5 forks source link

FRC1418 2015 Driver Station Code



We've made an updated version of our UI which is way easier to use and modify for other teams. You can find it here.

We're really excited to release our Driver Station code for 2015! At the Greater DC Regional, 1418 won an Innovation In Control award, and the polished UI was mentioned as one of the reasons for winning the award.

One of the really cool ideas that was a departure from last year's UI was using HTML5 & Javascript to create the driver station interface. The UI features:

The HTML/JavaScript interface is made possible by using [pynetworktables2js] ( to forward NetworkTables traffic to the webpage. pynetworktables2js was initially prototyped by Leon Tan, our lead UI student, but it is now maintained by the RobotPy project so that other teams can benefit from our work.

Running the code


python 3 must be installed!

Make sure you have pynetworktables2 installed:

pip3 install pynetworktables2js

Connect to a local simulation

Run this command:


Connect to the robot

Run this command:

python3 --host=roborio-1418.local

View the output

Open a web browser (preferably Chrome), and go to:


You can replace the HTML file at the end of the URL with whatever you're trying to test.



Dustin Spicuzza, mentor