We're really excited to release our image processing code for 2015! Due to mechanical restrictions we did not use any image processing during competition. However we developed some cool features that we as a team are really proud of.
To get images from the roboRIO we used a prorgram called 'mjpg-streamer' that was compiled by a third party for the roboRIO. This program allowed us to stream images to the driver station while staying within the bandwidth limitations of FRC. We can run our image processing on the roboRIO, reading from that same stream.
We use image processing to center the robot on yellow totes as well as tipped over containers. We created functions that can be called by our main program to use these different functionalities
More on our features:
We played around with a lot of features this year. All of our scrapped code can be found in scratchpad/
Dustin Spicuzza, mentor