freckle / yesod-auth-oauth2

OAuth2 authentication for yesod
MIT License
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OAuth2 AuthPlugins for Yesod.


import Yesod.Auth
import Yesod.Auth.OAuth2.GitHub

instance YesodAuth App where
    -- ...

    authPlugins _ = [oauth2GitHub clientId clientSecret]

clientId :: Text
clientId = "..."

clientSecret :: Text
clientSecret = "..."

Some plugins, such as GitHub and Slack, have scoped functions for requesting additional information:

oauth2SlackScoped [SlackBasicScope, SlackEmailScope] clientId clientSecret

Working with Extra Data

We put the minimal amount of user data possible in credsExtra -- just enough to support you parsing or fetching additional data yourself.

For example, if you work with GitHub and GitHub user profiles, you likely already have a model and a way to parse the /user response. Rather than duplicate all that in our library, we try to make it easy for you to re-use that code yourself:

authenticate creds = do
        -- You can run your own FromJSON parser on the response we already have
        eGitHubUser :: Either String GitHubUser
        eGitHubUser = getUserResponseJSON creds

        -- Avert your eyes, simplified example
        Just accessToken = getAccessToken creds
        Right githubUser = eGitHubUser

    -- Or make followup requests using our access token
    runGitHub accessToken $ userRepositories githubUser

    -- Or store it for later
    insert User
        { userIdent = credsIdent creds
        , userAccessToken = accessToken

NOTE: Avoid looking up values in credsExtra yourself; prefer the provided get functions. The data representation itself is no longer considered public API.

Local Providers

If we don't supply a "Provider" (e.g. GitHub, Google, etc) you need, you can write your own using our provided Prelude:

import Yesod.Auth.OAuth2.Prelude

pluginName :: Text
pluginName = "mysite"

oauth2MySite :: YesodAuth m => Text -> Text -> AuthPlugin m
oauth2MySite clientId clientSecret =
    authOAuth2 pluginName oauth2 $ \manager token -> do
        -- Fetch a profile using the manager and token, leave it a ByteString
        userResponse <- -- ...

        -- Parse it to your preferred identifier, e.g. with Data.Aeson
        userId <- -- ...

        -- See authGetProfile for the typical case

        pure Creds
            { credsPlugin = pluginName
            , credsIdent = userId
            , credsExtra = setExtra token userResponse
    oauth2 = OAuth2
        { oauth2ClientId = clientId
        , oauth2ClientSecret = Just clientSecret
        , oauth2AuthorizeEndpoint = ""
        , oauth2TokenEndpoint = ""
        , oauth2RedirectUri = Nothing

The Prelude module is considered public API, though we may build something higher-level that is more convenient for this use-case in the future.

Development & Tests

stack setup
stack build --dependencies-only
stack build --pedantic --test

Please also run HLint and Weeder before submitting PRs.


This project includes an executable that runs a server with (almost) all supported providers present.

To use:

  1. cp .env.example .env and edit in secrets for providers you wish to test

    Be sure to include http://localhost:3000/auth/page/{plugin}/callback as a valid Redirect URI when configuring the OAuth application.

  2. Build with the example: stack build ... --flag yesod-auth-oauth2:example

  3. Run the example stack exec yesod-auth-oauth2-example

  4. Visit the example: $BROWSER http://localhost:3000

  5. Click the log-in link for the provider you configured

If successful, you will be presented with a page that shows the credential and User response value.