fredo1029 / Create-Agriculture

Neoforge pack of 1.20.1, including Create and many of its various addons, the Thermal Series, and a few magic mods including Ars Noveau, Occultism, and (hopefully) compatiblity between many of them and Create.
The Unlicense
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World Gen #2

Closed fredo1029 closed 1 week ago

fredo1029 commented 4 months ago

Test Oh the Biomes You'll Go, seems laggy for old CPU

fredo1029 commented 4 months ago

Add Ecospherical Expansion, compat with Tectonic

fredo1029 commented 4 months ago

Test Chunky, Curtis PC, laptop for worldgen ~400 chunk radius after deciding worldspawn

fredo1029 commented 4 months ago

Removed OTBYG

Switched to Chunk-Pregenerator as it has a progress bar. Needs progress on other computer testing, as mine has no multithreading. Having difficulty with ~100 chunk radius, testing if FPS mods causing crash due to "inactivity"

fredo1029 commented 3 weeks ago

Pregen has been updated, no longer crashes. Biome generation has been fixed mostly, ended up needing to disable trees for now.

fredo1029 commented 3 weeks ago

Ice puddles issue was fixed using ecospherical expansion compat pack. Traced to ecospherical, tectonic, and mystic's biomes but more importantly terrablender. Missing compat pack, added, worked. Subsequently made fresh instance, still getting ice puddles with compat. Changes reverted, possibly CfB and balm which have not yet been reverted.

fredo1029 commented 1 week ago

No longer attempting to use ecospherical expansion, now using terralith which has compat baked into both mods.

World gen all seems to be working well, pregen mod works best for servers. Can be used when no players online as well, and generates all modded terrain and structures.