fredo1029 / Create-Agriculture

Neoforge pack of 1.20.1, including Create and many of its various addons, the Thermal Series, and a few magic mods including Ars Noveau, Occultism, and (hopefully) compatiblity between many of them and Create.
The Unlicense
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Create: Agriculture

Neoforge pack of 1.20.1, including Create and many of its various addons, the Thermal Series, and a few magic mods including Ars Noveau, Occultism, and (hopefully) compatiblity between many of them and Create.

To launch the pack from the index.toml and pack.toml files, you will need a launcher like Prism or MultiMC. Tutorial incoming based on Create Astral tutorial (once I learn how packwiz works). TODO

This pack uses packwiz for its management, for its ease of use in downloading mods from either modrinth or curseforge, keeping this Github repo lightweight. Thank you to the packwiz team. Additional thanks to Laskyyy and the team at Create-Astral for the inspiration and motivation for me to take on this project, as well as pointing me towards packwiz as a modpack creation tool.

Mod-list - [Thermal Cultivation]( - Resourcefulconfig - [Spyglass Improvements]( - [Create: Structures]( - [Dynamic Trees for Quark]( - Moonlight Library - [Occultism]( - [Terralith]( - Placebo - [ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village]( - [ToolStats]( - [Create: Copycats+]( - [Clumps]( - Embeddium - Silent's Delight - Storage Delight - [Thermal Integration]( - Quark - Ars Ocultas - Elytra Slot - [Citadel]( - [Extreme Sound Muffler]( - kotlinforforge-4.11.0-all - [Sophisticated Core]( - [CoFH Core]( - [Man of Many Planes]( - [Blooming Biosphere]( - [GeckoLib 4]( - [Mouse Tweaks]( - [Vanilla Refresh]( - Dynamic Trees for Terralith - [Botarium]( - Create Goggles - Chefs Delight - Plushie Buddies - [Canary]( - [Configured]( - [TerraBlender]( - [Curios API]( - Cristel Lib - [EntityCulling]( - [Create]( - SmartBrainLib - [BotanyPots]( - [Botany Pots Ore Planting]( - Ars Creo - [Caelus API]( - [AI-Improvements]( - Cull Less Leaves Reforged - [Observable]( - Seamless - Ferrite Core - [Nether's Delight]( - [Bookshelf]( - [Spice of Life: Apple Pie Edition]( - Create Slice & Dice - Fast Suite - [Nature's Compass]( - [BotanyPotsTiers]( - End Remastered - End's Delight - [SuperMartijn642's Core Lib]( - Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Crops - Fast Workbench - [Modonomicon]( - spark - FastFurnace - [Saturn]( - Map Atlases - Memory Leak Fix - Ocean's Delight - [SuperMartijn642's Config Library]( - tetra - [Just Enough Items]( - [Create Stuff & Additions]( - [CTOV - Create: Structures]( - [BetterF3]( - Polymorph - Create: Bells & Whistles - [CookingForBlockheads]( - Global Packs - Tectonic - Create: Steam 'n' Rails - [Sophisticated Backpacks]( - Ars Expanded Combat - [CraftingTweaks]( - Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Extended - More Sniffer Flowers - [Jade]( - Towns and Towers - Coffee Delight - [Jade Addons]( - Mystical Oak Tree - [Catalogue]( - Ars Nouveau - Zeta - [Enderman Overhaul]( - Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Core - Create: Estrogen - [Gravestone Mod]( - Create: Design n' Decor - [Serene Seasons]( - betterfpsdist mod - Fancy Trinkets - [Rechiseled: Create]( - [Oculus]( - Xaero's Minimap - Expanded Combat - [libIPN]( - [ButchersDelight]( - [Fusion]( - [Thermal Expansion]( - Farmer's Delight CookBook Reforge - [ButchersDelightfoods]( - Create: Trimmed - Miner's Delight - [Dynamic Trees]( - Smoothchunk mod - Chunk Pregenerator - [Festive Delight]( - [Farmer's Delight]( - Crate Delight - [Immersive Aircraft]( - [Cloth Config v10 API]( - Connector-1.0.0-beta.44+1.20.1 - Create Ender Transmission - Vegan Delight - [Create Ore Excavation]( - Torchmaster - [Lootr]( - [Serene Seasons - Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Crops Compat]( - [Balm]( - [Corpse]( - mutil - [CTOV - Farmer Delight Compat]( - [Thermal Foundation]( - [Create Crafts & Additions]( - [Trade Cycling]( - [Sound Physics Remastered]( - [Rechiseled]( - [Easy Villagers]( - [Cucumber Library]( - Cupboard utilities - [FPS Reducer]( - [McJtyLib]( - Architectury - Create Deco - Resourceful Lib - [AppleSkin]( - Mystic's Biomes - [Mystical Agriculture]( - Lithostitched - Forgified Fabric API - [BotanyTrees]( - Patchouli