fredrikcarno / flyerpic-backend

Backend of e-commerce platform for photographers
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Iphone backend login, on fail to remember pass, basic modal "locks" safari no way to escape #54

Closed fredrikcarno closed 9 years ago

fredrikcarno commented 9 years ago

Background.. ..showed the system to a friend and we tried to log into an iphone but instead of copying the pass from your mail like i usually do we entered it manually. The pass contained some special char that we didnt find on his polish set iphone. This happend..

Basic modal takes up the whole screen and when wrong pass is entered basic modal shakes and wants the right pass. Now safari is locked somehow and you cant get the menue bar navigating away from that page :(

This what i did to fix it. I logged from in from a pc changing the pass to a simple one, then logged in from the iphone with new pass. Hoping it would go away, it didnt.. I then had to create some flyers and when it opened in a new window i was set free and could breate a sign of releif, me not saying to my friend that he might have safari show backend login form forever :):)

On a serious note this bug might be placed in the basic modal repo, and be careful recreating it mabye looking at the code first :) will update with screenshot once my friend mail it over

Update with pic


fredrikcarno commented 9 years ago

Mabye just placing a closable x which leads to login screen reloaded. So you dont have to think about the basic modal bug now

fredrikcarno commented 9 years ago


Hmmmmm how come we could log into backend from iphone safari, and i cant from ipad safari? Cant press the login button?

electerious commented 9 years ago

It's the safari full screen mode which can be activated in webapps. Clicking on the top of safari (the header where it shows the URL) will reveal the status bar with the adressbar and controls. If it's confusing, I can remove it to behave like a normal website, always showing the adressbar and controls. I think Apple did a bad job here, it's not very obvious.

electerious commented 9 years ago

Ohh, Apple removed this full-screen behavior "feature" with iOS 8. Seems like they saw that people are confused by it. Will remove it, too.

fredrikcarno commented 9 years ago
