fredrikcarno / flyerpic-backend

Backend of e-commerce platform for photographers
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The Backend works together with Frontend and Lychee and allows photographers to generate flyers, upload photos and manage their settings.


Make sure the following tools are installed on your system:

After installing Node.js you can use the following commands to install the dependencies and build miniLychee:

npm install -g bower coffee-script grunt-cli;
npm install;
sudo chmod -R 777 cache/;


  1. Duplicate config.sample.json in data/
  2. Name the copied file config.json
  3. Open and fill the configuration and remove all comments


Use the following command to start the Backend:

npm start

Open the Backend in your browser and follow the given steps. The first user will be the admin.

Build Flyers

Build the flyers with the following commands:

cd flyers/01/;
npm install;
bower install;

Remove generated flyers

Remove all *.pdf and *.png files in cache/ to get rid of temporary stored flyers.


The Backend creates a table called lychee_users with the following fields:

Field Description
type "photographer" or "admin"
username Username of the user
password Password of the user hashed with MD5
name Name of the user
description Optional description
primarymail This PayPal-Mail will get 100% - percentperprice of the priceperalbum or priceperphoto. Needs to be a valid PayPal businesses account.
secondarymail This paypal-mail will get the percentperprice of the priceperalbum or priceperphoto. Needs to be a valid PayPal businesses account.
helpmail This mail will be shown in the footer of each flyer
avatar URL (starting with http://) to the avatar-image of the photographer
background URL (starting with http://) to the background-image of the photographer for the flyer
service "paypal"
currencycode A valid ISO 4217 currency code (e.g. "USD", "EUR")
currencyposition Choose if the currency-symbol should be before or after the amount of money: 0 = $10; 1 = 10$;
priceperalbum Price for one session/album (e.g. 9.99)
priceperphoto Price for one single photo (e.g. 5.99)
percentperprice A number between 0 and 100. This is the percent of the priceperalbum or priceperphoto which goes to the secondarymail. The rest will go the the primarymail.
watermark The watermark-id of the watermark which belongs to the user

Shorthand ID

The Backend uses a shorthand ID on the flyer to identify the photographer.

The shorthand ID is the ID of the photographer converted to letters. Letters are easier to read when the customer needs to enter the code on the website. The following table shows how to convert the ID into a shorthand ID:

Number Shorthand Equivalent
0 a
1 b
2 d
3 e
4 f
5 g
6 h
7 j
8 k
9 m

Example: The photographer with the ID 01 has the shorthand ID ab.