fredvaz / bluerov2

Scripts to help BlueRov2 integration with ROS and UUV Simulator
Apache License 2.0
24 stars 18 forks source link

BlueROV2 ROS Simulation

Attention! It's in development

This repository contains the robot description and necessary launch files to simulate the BlueROV2 (unmanned underwater vehicle) on Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Simulator (UUV Simulator). Additional it's possible run BlueROV2 in SITL using mavros, joystick interaction and video streaming capture with opencv based on bluerov_ros_playground package from BlueRobotics.

This work is in development at Ingeniarius, Lda. and Instituite of Systems and Robotics University of Coimbra within the scope of MS thesis "Localization of an unmanned underwater vehicle using multiple water surface robots, multilateration, and sensor data fusion".



Clone this package in the src folder of you catkin workspace

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone

and then build your catkin workspace

cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin_make # or <catkin build>, if you are using catkin_tools

Running with UUV Simulator

To run a demonstration with the vehicle, you can run a UUV simulator Gazebo scenario, such as

roslaunch uuv_descriptions ocean_waves.launch

and then

roslaunch bluerov2_gazebo start_pid_controller_demo.launch 

Running with SITL

Diagram of the software components

                      +-----------------------+         +------------------------+
                      |     Raspberry Pi      |         |    Topside Commputer   |
                      |    ip     |         |     ip     |
                      |                       |         |                        |
+-------+  Telemetry  | +-------------------+ |         |                        |
|Pixhawk<-------------->USB         MAVProxy| |         |                        |
+-------+    Pilot    | +                   + |         | +--------------------+ |
            Control   | |            udpbcast<----------->:14550         MAVROS| |
                      | +-------------------+ |  Pilot  | |(UDP)               | |
                      |                       | Control | |                    | |
                      | +-------------------+ |         | |       (ROS)        | |
+---------+           | CSI+2       raspivid| |         | +------+/mavros+-----+ |
|Raspberry+------------>camera              | |         |           ^            |
| Camera  |           | port                | |         |           |            |
+---------+           | +                   | |         | +---------v----------+ |
                      | |                   | |         | || |
                      | +------------+stdout+ |         | |                    | |
                      |                  +    |         | |                    | |
                      |             Raw  |    |         | |                    | |
                      |             H264 |    |         | |                    | |
                      |                  v    |         | |       | |
                      | +------------+ fdsrc+ |         | |                    | |
                      | |gstreamer          | |         | |                    | |
                      | |                   + |         | :5600       | |
                      | |             udpsink+----------->(UDP)                | |
                      | +-------------------+ |  Video  | +---------^----------+ |
                      |                       | Stream  |           |            |
                      +-----------------------+         |           +            |
                                                        | +--------/joy--------+ |
                                                        | |joy     (ROS)       | |         +--------+
                                                        | |                  USB<----------+Joystick|
                                                        | +--------------------+ |  Pilot  +--------+
                                                        |                        | Control


If you need more information about the topics and what you can access, take a look here.


BlueROV2 package is open-sourced under the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.