MacMedia Media Library Tracker
A virtual environment should be set up with the imports defined in the requirements.txt file.
Additionally it is helpful to install gunicorn
to run the Flask application under this
server to mimic the Azure deployed server environment.
Flake8 is utilized to enforce code style with a couple of flags turned off as defined in the setup.cfg file. Linting can be invoke as:
% make lint
pytest is utilized as the test runner for MacMedia test cases. Test cases are defined under the tests directory. Data required for test cases is stored in tests/data. Test case execution can be invoked as:
% make test
Additionally, pytest-cov is utilized to generate test case coverage statistics. The html report is stored under apps/docs/htmlcov. It can be invoked with a browser display of the results after running using:
% make coverage
If you just want a terminal text display of test case coverage, use the same target as used in the CI pipeline:
% make coverage-ci
You can install a local Postgres server and connect to a development MacMedia database on PostgreSQL instance. You need to define all of the following environment variables:
Environment Variable | Purpose | Defatult |
DB_USER | Database user privileged to access the MacMedia database | None |
DB_PASSWORD | The password of the database user accessing the MacMedia database | None |
DB_HOST | Host address | |
DB_PORT | Port used to connect to the database | 5432 |
DATABASE | The name of the MacMedia database | None |
The default value of the connection string will be "", the localhost and default postgres port. Then to run:
% flask --app app/ run --debug
Note this may not work in FireFox. FireFox seems to prevent some cookie session information from being passed leading to CSRF token issues. The app does work in Edge.
For running the application, Docker containers are used. Docker Desktop should be installed and configured to use WSL 2. For example, in this case, the configuration is for Ubuntu:
There are several possible ways to run the application locally for development:
The application can be built into a Docker container using docker build
and then brought online using
docker run macmedia:latest
. You will need to correctly configure the environment variables
used in the container either through the docker run
command line or
set the appropriate environment variables in the environment where docker run
is executed. Again
you could connect to a locally installed PostgreSQL database for persistent data bewteen runs.
To build the Docker container with the source found in file "Dockerfile" and run it, use:
# Build MacMedia web application image
% make build
# Run MacMedia web application container
% make run-docker-app
docker compose
. The docker compose file, "docker-compose.yml" creates both the
application container, MacMedia_web, PostgreSQL container, MacMedia_db and an Adminer
container, MacMedia-adminer-1. The Adminer container can be used to exmaine the running
database. The PostgreSQL database container utilizes
Docker secrets, two configuration files and, by default, a persistent mounted data volume. See
the PostgreSQL Docker image for details on the correct running
and initializing of the database in the container. All required environment variables need
to be defined in a ".env" file. To build and run the composite Docker containers:
# Build and run composite MacMedia application, database an adminer containers
% make run-dev
If the application is running in a Docker container it can then be accessed at the url http://localhost:5000/main or as port 5000 is exposed to the localhost.
If using the composite containers, Adminer can be accessed at the url http://localhost:8080 or as port 8080 is exposed to the localhost.
The PostgreSQL docker image is defined in the file "Dockerfile-db". The image includes two configuration files. "docker_data/postgresql.conf", the standard PostgreSQL configuration file with a modification of where the "pg_hba.conf" can be found in the container ("/etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf" in the container). The "pg_hba.conf" found in "docker_data" is copied into the container and adds a trust relationship to 0:0:0:0 which may not be needed.
To run the container in conjunction with the MacMedia web application, you need to define the following environment variables to be passed to the running container (see below if running the composite containers):
Environment Variable | Purpose | Corresponding App Environment Variable |
POSTGRES_DB | Name of the database | DATABASE |
POSTGRES_PASSWORD | Password to access the database | DB_PASSWORD |
POSTGRES_USER | User allowed to access the database | DB_USER |
For data to persist, you need to mount a volume into the container at "/var/lib/postgresql/data".
You could manually run the correct docker run command line command to handle the above or just set the environment variables and run:
% make build-db
The default data volume mounted with this make command is "docker_data/db".
If you are using the composite containers, the environment variables are passed as secrets. They must be defined in the ".env" file if using the make command to construct the composite containers.
The PostgreSQL Docker image will initially contain no data and thus needs to be initialized so the MacMedia web application has data to access. In particular it will need login user data and DVD data. The simplest method is to:
% make run-docker-db
Copy a dumpfile into the running container:
# Get the id of the running container
% docker ps
# Copy in local dumpfile
% copy data/local_dev_macmedia_dump <container-id>:/tmp
Attach to the running container and load in the dumpfile
% docker exec -it <container-id> /bin/bash
# su - postgres
<postgres>% pg_restore -v --create --no-owner --host=localhost --port=5432 --username=postgres --dbname=macmedia_database /tmp/local_dev_macmedia_dump
The running environment and configuration is determined by the setting of the environment variable APP_ENV. The default value is "Dev". The following settings equate to specific configurations:
Value | Configuration Used | Database Used |
"Test" | Test runner | Local pre-loaded SQLite |
"Dev" | Development | Local pre-loaded SQLite unless over ridden as decribed above in "Running On Localhost" |
"Staging" | Azure Staging | Azure persistant staging PostgreSQL database instance |
"Production" | Azure Production | Azure persistant production PostgreSQL database instance |
Upon a push to master, linting, code style checking, code coverage (which invokes the test cases), and security issues will all be checked. is used to check for security issues in the code.
Sphinx and reStructuredText are utilized to create developer originated documentation.
The .rst files are located under the app/docs
directory. A top level Makefile
used to generate the documentation with the command:
% make docs
The root of the resulting html documentation is app/docs/_build/html/index.html
Music media is currently encoded in an html file. At the top level, each piece of music media is enclosed in a set of tags. The top level tag contains metadata about the music media piece and then one or more tracklists. The tracklist level contains metadata about the tracklist and a list of song entries. The song entry level contains all the information about a particular song.
The top level container is specified with a paragraph tag, \
. Within the tag is an \ tag which defines the type of music media in "media_type" and encases all the information about this piece of music media. Required information, each of which is enclosed in an \The schema looks like:
<a rel="{media_type}>
<h3><a rel="title">{title}</a></h3>
<h3><a rel="artists">{artist}</a></h3>
<h3><a rel="date">{year}</a></h3>
<h3><a rel="classical-composer">{classical-composer}</a></h3>
<h3><a rel="mixer">{mixer}</a></h3>
In the case of a single tracklist, which generally occurs on a CD, there will just be an order list
of song entries as the tracklist contains no metadata. For multiple tracklists, each is contained
in a \ tag. In this situation, a name for the track is manditory and there may
optionally be an artist, mixer and/or release year associated with that track. Each are contained in \\
The schema for a single tracklist looks like:
For multiple tracklists, each tracklist looks like:
<a rel="side">
<h4>Track Artist: <a rel="track-artist">{track_artist}</a></h4>
<h4>Mixed By <a rel="side-mixer>{side_mixer}</a></h4>
<h4>Released: <a rel="track-year">{track_year}</a></h4>
As the song entries occur inside the order list of the tracklist container, the song metadata for each song entry is enclosed in a \
The schema for a single song entry looks like:
<li><a rel="song">{song_name}</a><br>
<b><a rel="song-artist">{song_artist}</a></b><br>
(<a rel="song-mix">{song_mix}</a>)<br>
from <i><a rel="song-classical-work">{song_classical_work}</a></i><br>
by <b><a rel="song-classical-composer">{song_classical_composer}</a></b><br>
(featured in <a rel="song-featured-in">{movie_or_show}</a>)<br>
- <a rel="song-date">{year}</a><br>
- <a rel="song-country">{country}</a>
<ol type=I>
<li><a rel="song-part">{part_1_name}</a></li>
<li><a rel="song-part">{part_2_name}</a></li>
<li><a rel="song-part">{part_N_name}</a></li>
Note that for multiple artists and composers, textual pieces will linking them together are not included in the above example.